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Charlie, better than Whip-Poor-Wills...

Was greeted by this when I got home this evening. They were on my neighbors deck last night.



As cool as those pics are....I'm glad my backyard is in the middle of IL, where the biggest thing I have to deal with is a apple eating possum, waddling skunk, annoying raccoon, or a "much scareder of me than I of him" deer........you can keep the bears all to yourself!!!
Steve, this bear was of the much scareder of me than I was of her variety. Had I somehow gotten between her and any of her cubs I'm sure the story would be different.
Kraig M. My brother and I were in Mondovini, Wisconsin on Saturday. We saw several deer in the fields, one turkey however not one bear. (Thank goodness.)
Marlin, did you mean Mondovi, WI? I'm curious why the Thank goodness to not seeing a bear? I love seeing them. Other than some occasional damage to my bird feeders they haven't done any harm. I'm aware that they are around, but they typically are more afraid of me than I am of them. I find raccoons, pocket gophers and woodchucks more damaging.

Steve, I'd rather see a bear than a skunk any day. I did see a skunk in my driveway a couple weeks ago. I saw it run across the driveway as I opened my garage door to leave for work. That startled me more than the bears.
Kraig M. You're right. It is Mondovi, Wisconsin. We picked up a spare rear end for the Pow'r Pup. As for being thankful for not seeing any bears. I didn't want my brother to be distracted while driving. I don't ride very often with anyone and it just makes me nervous having someone else driving.
Marlin, ah, that makes sense. I've ridden with distracted drivers, distracted by everything going on out in the farm fields, was NOT fun.
Thanks for the chuckle Kraig. The author sounds like a nut. I especially liked the advice he gives about hiking with people that are slower than you.

I agree with Wayne S. about the fella in the video. I think I'll just take along some Beef jerky and hope that Sasquatch comes and rescues me from the bear.


Last month on the way home from work I saw a mountain lion in a meadow. Second time I've seen one in the wild.
Wayne, Marlin, that bit about not having to outrun the bear, but just having to outrun someone that is with you is an old joke.


Speaking of bear. On Saturday my wife and daughter finally got to see the bear and her cubs in person. I had already left to head to my mom's farm to work on some stuff. A little after 1:00 my wife went out the front door to get the mail and a few moments later my daughter went out through the garage to get to her car that was parked in the driveway. I had left the garage door open as I knew my daughter was leaving shortly after I left. As she was walking along side my wife's car she saw one of the bear cubs in the driveway just a short distance out from the garage. It ran to the side yard where momma bear was with one of the other cubs setting right next to her car. My daughter got her cell phone out as quickly as she could to get photos. Yeah, she's like me immediately thinks photos!
Just as she got to the garage door opening the third cub runs out from inside the garage from just on the other side of my wife's car and runs to momma and they all start to move away. By the time my daughter got her phone app open the bear had moved away from the car and were heading towards some trees. While all this was going on my wife was walking back across the front yard with the mail and my daughter was trying to make sure she knew the bear were there. She didn't want to scare the bear so she didn't call to my wife she just used hand signals. My wife had seen them and gave a thumbs up. As soon as I get the photos from my daughter I'll post some. I really need to get my trail cameras up. I'm still not concerned about having the bear around, but I am just a bit concerned about having one or more of them in my garage. I don't keep bird seed or any food stuff in there so I'm not certain what drew them in other than curiosity.

I understand it's an old joke but it's always funny.

That was funny about the jetfire too. The guy must have been a fast thinker.

Be careful of those bears. Momma bears maintain an attitude from what I've heard and it don't take but one time to ruin your day. I can see where they would be nice to watch though. I, myself would keep a loaded gun at every corner of the house (just to scare them of course).

Wayne, yeah I should probably have a gun handy... So far they seem to be much more afraid of us. We are aware they are around and we're careful to watch out for them.

Now we have turtles showing up left and right wanting to lay eggs in the driveway and along the road by my property. A painted turtle laid her eggs along the edge of my driveway a week ago. Pippin was interested in her when she was walking across the yard towards the driveway.


Saturday when my daughter drove home there was a turtle at the end of the driveway that she had to drive around. That one was a small snapping turtle. Then yesterday when we drove home from church there was a bigger snapping turtle that had just finished laying her eggs along the shoulder of the road just north of my driveway.

NOPE....NO WAY.....not for me.......

I could not live in that close of proximity to those bears.....violates my food chain rules......

I'm glad you like and appreciate them....BUT......WOW, in your garage????????

Steve, I've lived on this property for just a hair over 25 years. I've seen bear 4 or 5 times. I grew up on a farm that is about 7 miles away I never once saw a bear there. Though we did get trail camera photos of one about 10 years ago. This year is the most times I or my wife and daughter have seen them. I've seen them twice this year and my wife and daughter saw them the one time. The odds are you're not likely to see them.

Charlie, how big is that bucket?
Glad the bears have been docile. I can see them hanging around the back lot, but the garage and cars is concerning.

Again, being an IL boy, I'll continue to deal with raccoons and possums and leave the big furies to you!!!

.....might be time to get out the Elmer Keith medicine, just in case momma has a bad day.....
Steve, not to worry. I have a mixture of .357 Mag and .44 Mag (and other caliber) Rugers, S&W and Colts on hand.
Sadly I don't have a .41 Mag... yet.