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I thought I would catch the last hummingbird suckin on a slushy, but he was to fast for me, LOL

That's a nice fox squirrel you have there. They love walnuts.
Time to get the 22 out. That would be some good eating.
David, did the squirrel make it out of the shop alive?
He sure didn't seem too concerned that I was in such close proximity!!
We feed 'em here all winter and really get a kick out of having them around.

A lot of theme get nailed though crossing the main road that runs right by our place.
I noticed earlier this year that we now have some black squirrels that have set up shop on the other side of own. I cannot recall in having lived here all my life, ever seeing a black one around here, ever.

No gun play in my shop!, the car in the background is one of 618 built in 1958 and only 158 or so are known to survive. It's a Chrysler 300-D and is awaiting transport to Sweden where it will be restored to it's former glory.


I forgot to tell you, fox squirrels love to get in the road almost as much as they love walnuts.

The black squirrels are probably black fox squirrels.
Do they look anything like this?


Is that a Swedish Chrysler? I thought they built them in the USA.

Are you going to ship your Chrysler all the way to Sweden to restore it?
I hope you are not going to ship it UPS or Fedex.
They would probably want one or two million to ship something that heavy that far!

Anyway, that is a nice car!
Please show us some pics when you get it back.
I would insure it real good. When they get the car, I hope they don't decide to keep it.

A guy I work with said his father sent a Winchester model 63 back to the company for repair. They sent him a new Win. 22 worth about $150.00 and kept the 63!
Dunno Marty! Just know they are black and puny!!
A guy in Sweden bought the car.
It's on it's way now, trucker showed up late this afternoon for it.
Those Swedes and nuts about US finned cars.
The black fox squirrel should be just as big as the regular fox squirrel, only black.
The one I posted had a white nose and feet.
Once in a blue moon, there will be a white fox squirrel.

Do you have fox squirrels in your neck of the woods? The reason I ask is we don't have them here in the Chapel Hill area. As a boy I once thought I saw one while hunting squirrels but never was able to verify. I know they are very common south east of here. I've played golf in Samson county and seen them playing like gray squirrels do here on the UNC campus.


Nice car. I've heard about the Swedes and how they also like older Cadillacs.

At my place in Wisconsin there are Red Squirrels, Gray Squirrels, Fox Squirrels and Flying Squirrels. We also have both black and white variants of Gray Squirrels. The Fox Squirrel is the biggest and the Flying Squirrels the smallest. Flying Squirrels are nocturnal and you rarely see one but I know that they are around as my cat Tots has caught several of them, something I wish she wouldn't do.
My favorite is the Fox and least favorite is the Red as they can be quite destructive.

Fox Squirrel:



Yes it was cold out the day I took the photos of this Fox Squirrel. This poor guy had to warm up his paws.


Gray and Black variant Gray Squirrels:


White variant Gray Squirrel. Note the eyes are not red so it is not an albino:


Red Squirrel (aka Pine Squirrel):

Hmmm, I just discovered that some of my photos of a White Squirrel are on this website:

White Squirrels 1

White Squirrels 2

White Squirrels 3

I forgot that I had submitted the photos and info. After that White Squirrel showed up I did a bit of research and found the website linked above and at the time they had a place to submit info on sightings. I see they spelled my first name wrong.

No, I don't have fox squirrels in my area, but they are where my parents live in southwest Va.


Nice pics!

I do have flying squirrels around here. I have video of them at night on my "deer camera."

The red squirrel also lives in the mountains of southwest Va.
They call them "boomers."

My dad went to get the mail one day, and saw something strange in the grill of his truck.
After getting closer, he saw what it was. It was a boomer's head in the grill looking out at him.

He always kept some "striking paper" behind the seat for emergencies while out groundhog hunting.
The boomers tore the roll all up in preparation to build a nest under the seat.
I asked how they got inside the truck.
Dad said he left the windows cracked so it wouldn't get so hot inside the truck in the summer.
I think it's strange that we don't have fox squirrels here in central NC yet they are just north and just south of us. I use to think about going to Sampson county (about 2 hrs SE of here) and trapping a few to bring back here. I would probably be crossing some legal line though by transporting wildlife across county lines or something stupid like that.

I have flying squirrels around here but Graygirl doesn't let the population get too big. They're one of her favorites. There's a very large cedar tree just west of the house that the flying squirrels apparently like a lot. Graygirl would go down there and sit for hours at dusk. I kept running her off and she finally quit but I haven't seen any signs of the squirrels in a while now.

My driveway is 1/4 mile long and full of squirrels which the local hawks really take advantage of.

And I've seen many albino deer here through the years but not one white squirrel. I guess being white they are constantly advertising food to the hawks.

Maybe we should have opened another thread for all of this squirrel talk.
