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A place for random photos,,,with no specific topic

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All last week the weather guessers were saying my area was going to get significant snowfall on Friday. Late in the week they were saying something like 16" of snow. A friend just emailed this to me and it is quite fitting, so I thought I'd share.

Had a visitor last night. I discovered her when I called one of the cats in. She spent well over a half hour eating the sunflower seeds from the bird feeder while I watched and took photos and videos. I had just refilled the feeder earlier in the day so she had plenty to eat. She would eat for a while then go lay at the base of the tree that her two cubs were in, then go eat some more. The bird feeder isn't very far off of my deck, I took a photo with the deck in it to show how close she was. Most of the photos I was standing at the railing leaning out a bit.






I took this photo of the cubs with my cell phone so it didn't turn out very good. By the time I went and got my good camera and a BIG flashlight they had climbed up higher and were hanging out on the back side of the tree.

Kraig M. Wow!!! That is something to behold. Thank You for posting the pictures. It's neat seeing Mother Nature's wild creatures in the wild.
It was a cool experience. I think there were actually three cubs not two. I was looking at the photos again and noticed what might be another eye in one photo.


You should have just walked out there and smacked Moma on the butt to send her on her way (ha). With 3 cubs she would have been on you approx. 3 times the speed of bear.

Cool pics and a neat "problem?". I mean, who wouldn't want a bear camping out in their backyard???

That's almost the same pose as this one that didn't make it away from the feeder.
That's now setting in the warehouse, close to the Moose.
I asked the goof that shot it, WTH didn't you just take the feeder down for a week or so!!!!!
He had no answer, Grrrrrrrrr
Charlie, cool mount! That is nearly the same pose.

Wayne, ummm, have a look at her claws in the third and fourth photos down in my first post!
No way was I going to mess with her, I want to live to be
She seemed very calm and did not appear at all threatened by me. If I had claws like hers I wouldn't be afraid of me either... When I would talk to her, speaking in a normal voice, she would calmly walk over and lay down at the base of the tree for a minute or so then get up and eat again. I felt quite safe on the deck which is five feet or so above grade at the lowest point, which is where I was standing to get the best view.
Kraig M. Let me know when you go to visit Charlie. That way when you get your birthday present 125, I can pick up the other 125 as a spare. Even though we have eight Cub Cadets the 125 just seems to be my favorite.
Kraig we get those backyard "night eyes" here in Dayton Oh,
Darn coon's,,, If momma saw Black Bear in our backyard, it wouldn't be "our" backyard Much Longer!!! That's 4 SURE!!!!

Yep, Very CooL pics!!!
Jason, I also have these in my back yard. As well as some other wild flowers that are not yet in bloom, such as Trillium, Wild Geranium, Wild Ginger and May Apple.

Rue Anemone:


Blood Root:


Spring Beauty:


Sharp Lobed Hepatica:


Round Lobed Hepatica:

So we go eat lunch today and see a garage sale sign, LOL
Talking about a SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!
12 50ft. coils and 1 100' of 6/4 and 8/4 SO cord for $75.00.
2 Michelin 3 1/2 Ton floor jacks for $30.00 for the pair.