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A place for random photos,,,with no specific topic

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What a squirrely tread this has turned into!
Everything you always wanted to know about 'em but were afraid to ask, huh??
What ever happened to Rocky and Bullwinkle anyhow!
David, Rocky and Bullwinkle live up by Charlie in Frostbite Falls, MN.
David I believe your right,I loved watching moose and squirrel with my grandfather
I love to go on a good squirrelin trip it’s a great way to blow off some steam after a trying after a stressful deer hunting season
That's why I don't go to the movies any more...
No cartoons
Yeah, man!
NFL, what is NFL?........quit watching it.
I'm even ashamed of my state team (panthers). The quarterback thinks he is superman, and he looks like Dennis Rodman. "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

No offense to anyone who loves the NFL, but all that protesting the National Anthem and the American flag puts a bad taste in my mouth.
Last night I grilled some burgers for dinner and while eating my daughter noticed a bear in our yard. I'm thinking they were likely attracted to the smell. One of our cats, Tots, was out on the deck and she was laying low on the deck watching them. The other cat Pippin was outside somewhere. These two bear have been hanging around the area all spring though this is the first time I have seen them in person. My neighbor has seen them several times in his yard and on his deck! I went out on the deck to get a few photos. After they walked out of view I went back in the house and took some photos out a window. It was around 8:50pm and was starting to get dark so the photos are rather grainy.





Less than a week ago my sister had a bear eating out of one of her bird feeders. She lives about 8 miles from me. According to my neighbor a local guy who we both know has identified 8 different bear from photos he's gotten on his trail cameras.
Here's some photos of the one that visited my sister's place.



My neighbor got this photo of one on his deck with his trail camera. He took some video of them on his deck as well.

And I thought I was having problems with a skunk digging in my yard.

Grainy or not you can tell those guys are of pretty good size. Maybe Charlie will come help...he's well experienced in this matter.

Will they eventually leave? Or is there an authority you can call to have them relocated?

So far they have not bothered me, other than stealing my suet feeder a few weeks ago. Which was a brand new double suet cake feeder, freshly filled with two suet cakes...
I'm not worried about them. They seem to move off somewhere later in the summer as I've only seen them around here in April, May and June.
There's truth in the saying "don't poke the bear"
Cool pics Kraig! I've only heard of one bear down here in IL. Escaped from a zoo transport while fueling.
My neighbor sent me a video that he got on one of his trail cameras last night. So much for only seeing them in April, May and June... Appears that a large male bear has moved into the area. Here's a screen capture from the video.

As I was making some coffee I spotted a Pileated Woodpecker out the kitchen window. I headed upstairs to get a better view and to snap a few cell phone photos. As I got to the window he flew to a closer tree where I got a photo. A squirrel that was on the ground under the bird feeder had ran up the same tree right as the woodpecker landed. Seconds later it climbed around the tree after the woodpecker. My timing was perfect to have seen and captured it with the camera. As I was watching the woodpecker fly off I noticed a second one but it also flew off before I could get a photo of it.



This white squirrel has been visiting rather frequently recently. A week ago I got some photos of it with my good camera, this is the best one.

EDIT: Oops, sorry for the overly large photo.
