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A Fetish For Rocks

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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KENtucky, thanks! BTW, good point about holes... I'll try to phrase my questions regarding holes better next time.
I saved this back 2/22/99 (way back when Kathy was 50!).

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Post Holes!!!
For Sale! Used post holes. Free delivery, no sales tax.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

See how important it is to include contact info !! I needed some once but didn't know where to order them from.
I wonder if they are shipped in styrofoam peanuts so they dont get crushed in during transit?

Had a shed built years ago, guys brought 'pre-fabed' post holes!
A few rocks from my yard, I need to spend some time weeding.








Very nice rocks Kraig. I like the moss and liken growing on the rocks.
Man this thread was working it's way to the bottom of the page ... must be from all the weight.

Here's one I took this morning. It has a nice seat and footrest.

Here is a rock I came across at the edge of a field by my house. It has two fairly round holes and I have no idea what caused them. The larger of the two is a tad smaller than a dime. If it was wood I'd think it was a carpenter bee because it looks just like one of their holes.

Got any ideas?




Did you try petting that critter?
Wayne, what kind of stone is that? Looks like it could be sandstone which is fairly soft and easily eroded by water. But I doubt the holes were created by water. How deep are the holes?

I'm not a rock-ologist but I think it's a rock of what we call "Chapel Hill gravel". The gravel is very interesting in that people use it for driveways but you can also use it to level out the yard and grow grass. I have it in portions of my driveway because it is cheap compared to crushed rock, which we also have locally.

The larger hole is about 3/4" deep and the small one is about as deep as it is wide. I turned it over the other day to get it out of my way mowing and noticed the holes. I'm sure it was once a field rock because the edge of the fields around here are full of rocks where farmers have tossed them.

Here's a bigger rock I have at the edge of my yard that I believe is the same type. I dug it up years ago with a backhoe because I got tired of sharpening my lawnmower blades every time I went over it.


This place is rocky to say the least. We actually believe they grow mostly where you don't want them, especially in the garden.
Wayne, that second rock appears to have rather deep backhoe scars which would indicate that it's fairly soft and most likely a type of sandstone. I suppose it's possible that an insect of some sort could burrow into it.

That's probably right. I know if you hit one of these rocks with a big hammer they shatter like tempered glass. It looks like it would take a robo-bug with titanium mouth parts to make that hole though.

Thanks for the input!
Could have been some kid messing around with a couple of screwdrivers as well...