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A Fetish For Rocks

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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KENtucky, can you give me any more detail that might trigger a brain cell or two?
It was Kentucky, you were probably wondering if he'd taken his meds (and how many). That help at all?
Kraig - Trigger ... I'll give ya a trigger if you don't remember .... geez ... how many brain cells you think I've LOST since then !!

I've changed to many hard drives since then and had MOZ crap out on me (having to use guest profile now!) so I've lost all those bookmarks.
I end up loosing files everytime I changed puters and HDs.

Dave - Don't you have to get back to work ?
Here's one I found on friends' property in Bolton, CT when we went to Zagray Farms. I'm pretty sure the tree split it.:
I had a crash a month or so ago. The only thing I couldn't get back or remember where, was a link to a hand held tach, one like we had when me and dad had the lawn mower shop. I still have that one but it's toast. analog, dual range, just hold it close to the spark plug wire and it would read, gosh that was handy.
Kentucky, got about an hour and a half. Anything else I can help with.
DAVE R. - Take your pic....http://www.reliabilitydirectstore.com/Tachometer-s/43.htm

If there's a shiny spot on whatever is rotating you want to measure RPM of you don;t actually have to use the reflective tape. My only other advice, DO NOT store them with the batteries (3 AA bat's) installed.

Back on topic....I don't really mind BIG rocks, but little stuff smaller than my fist I do not like! The BIG Stuff I can see and mow/trim around. Little stuff you can't.
Jerry, very nice. I like the stepping stones as well. BTW, there's some kinda green fungus growing on the top of that big rock...
Dennis, the one I found was about 40 bucks cheaper than the only one I've found since the crash.
Been a while since I did a pic. give me a min.
Kraig - et all - BS!

Get that aluminum faced furnace or ducting tape (whatever it's called) You get a roll bigger than the plastic duct tape for a lot less than those 10 strips.
Kentucky, Thats the ?. Right before my computer crashed I found it for 75.
This thread's been hijacked!

So--Frank Snerd: Don't go this route, you'll end up working on something that you'll know isn't worth the effort in the long run:

This is my next door neighbors, btw.
Frank - Dang man that aint no ROCK !
Must be powerful though to use 2 (count'em!) decks
