My sweet little 1862 cyclops is starting to get irritating. The power steering line that runs to the hydraulic lift valve in the dash, is leaking, and causing my cyclops to piddle on the floor. I've rubbed her nose in it and swatted her butt, but she continues to piddle on the floor!
But seriously though, I've replaced the o-ring 7 times, with zero success. I've even tried to double them, and it just leaked worse. I'm assuming the tube is shot, even though when I removed it for inspection, I found nothing that I could see wrong. Does anyone know of a source for this part? 727-3052? I've searched the sponsors, as well as a couple other places I know of, but can't find this line. I'm thinking I may have to take the valve and line to a machine shop and have a jic fitting installed in the valve and a new line made. But this is a last resort. Attached are photos of the leak and the part diagram.