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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. K

    Archive through March 01, 2011

    Got a couple things to get rid of. Tiller gearbox $150 shipped NF 3pt complete minus 1" shaft $110 shipped WF 3pt complete minus 1" shaft $140 shipped NF spring assist $70 shipped Email in profile or call 763-286-0169 Thanks
  2. K

    Archive through February 05, 2011

    Looking for a rear pto shifter/coupler. The one that slides on the shaft to engage the rear pto. Thanks
  3. K

    Archive through January 03, 2011

    Had a bunch of these lower brackets made, (had a bunch of 3 pts with no lower brackets) had to make so many for the machine shop to do it. Turned out really nice, everything works and lines up perfect. Not trying to make much on them, $12 for the ones in primer and $14 for ones in paint. Paint...
  4. K

    Archive through January 03, 2011

    Sims cab off original, complete with fenders and foot rests. Fenders nice but canvas rough, needs new glass. Asking $250. Located in Buffalo MN. 612-850-5371
  5. K

    Fall Harvest Day 2010 Montrose, Mn

    Thanks for the pics Greg, lots of nice ones there. Thanks to Bob Hafften and Mike and Patty Betzler for the farm.
  6. K

    Fall Harvest Day 2010 Montrose, Mn

    Weather guy says 75 and sunny both days. Almost too nice for a plow day. Can't wait.
  7. K

    Fall Harvest Day 2010 Montrose, Mn

    How come this thread didn't end up at the top of the page? Took a bit to find it.
  8. K

    Archive through March 19, 2010

    126 with creeper, looks decent, been sitting a couple years, ran and mowed when parked, new rear turfs. $400. Email for pics. Possible delivery to Iowa plow days. Thanks
  9. K

    Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

    Highway 12 is open through Delano now. Head north on highway 25 from 12 to 40th ST head west. There will be signs.
  10. K

    Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

    PLOW DAY IS A GO!!! Any time friday after 12 Noon is fine. Call Bob if you have any ?'s 612-581-5360
  11. K

    Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

    Talked to Bob and he is thinking maybe this weekend (23&24) depending on the weather. We are supposed to get alot of rain this week agian. Enough of the beans are off to have it. He is going to make up his mind WEDNESDSY EVENING if he is going to have it this weekend. Please check back then one...
  12. K

    Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

    I know Bob don't have a problem putting the beans in the dryer.
  13. K

    Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

    Went and had a beer with Bob and as of now the beans are not off. We have had rain everyday since wednesday and they are talkin rain the next two days so lets hope for the best. It quit raining this afternoon and got the pulling track graded out nice so it is ready to go. Will be in touch as the...
  14. K

    Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

    Talked to Bob this morning and he's thinkin middle of the week the beans should be off. Got a quarter in. of rain friday, plow day's should be great!!
  15. K

    Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

    Beans are just starting to turn. Should be good to go by the 9th.
  16. K

    Archive through February 26, 2009

    K-321 kohler out of cub 1450. Runs excellant no smoke. Complete minus carb and front engine tin. $325B/O