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Fall Harvest Day 2010 Montrose, Mn

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2006
Andy Van Wettering
I talked with Bob Hafton and he has not set a date yet for fall Harvest "Plow Day" but is thinking the end of Sept if the crop is out. Will update when more info is given.
Thanks for the update, Andy. I've been watching vigilantly for word on this Plow Day...
Travis, I thought you were banned from coming into Minn? HeHe. You may like it here so much you may want to stay!
I was thing about heading to the plow grounds today and waiting.
Well it is set, The dates are October 1st and 2nd. No rain dates are set as of now and Bob is not sure if he is going to set one. Time will tell! I will keep updating as we go.
How come this thread didn't end up at the top of the page? Took a bit to find it.
UPDATE! UPDATE! Bob was incorrect on the dates he gave me. The land owner cannot be there on the 1st & 2nd so it is the 8th and 9th of Oct. He said he was sorry about the mix up but hopes it works for all to come. He said that he is having part of the field set aside for competion plowing this year. If you are interested in doing that you need to call him so he knows how much land to set aside. ph. 612-581-5360 This is not to see how fast you can go but instead how straight/accurate you can plow. He said there will be judges there. This is being done on Sat. Also he will have the pulling sled out Friday eve for those that want to pull.
Seen my first combine going in corn today whaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
ya got to love fall how are the beans lookin up north... we have 5-10 days here before harvest on the beans gets going full bore very few leaves left on the plants ...can't wait till Montross hope I can make it ...
Bob combined the beans yesterday

lol, now I just have to keep Bob from plowing it all up before Friday :p
Weather guy says 75 and sunny both days. Almost too nice for a plow day. Can't wait.
Rear light added, fluids checked, tires aired up, maintenance about completed - looking forward to this weekend.
Awsome event again this year. Thanks to all especialy Bob for putting on such a great event. Here are some pics.
