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Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Thanks also for the timely heads-up....get those motel reservations cancelled boys!
Better plow days ahead I'm just sure of it! Thanks for the info! Looking forward to the rain date!
I live a couple hours east of Montrose, MN. Last night I drove by a Sweet Corn field that was harvested with OXBO pickers on my way to the football game. This field was picked on Monday night through Tuesday morning. I need to take pics of the mud and the ruts. WOW! My son said they used a large John Deere tractor with a front blade to clean the mud off the road. He and my wife had driven this road on Tuesday night and both their cars look like they were playing in mud...

I knew when I drove by this field and when I saw our football field that this plow day would be postponed... I am guessing Bob's fields are much like what I saw last night.

OXBO Harvesters use a Cat 3208 Engine and a cab from John Deere, they are massive machines. 4 large drive tires, if I remember correctly the smallest tire they used was 20.8x38, and 23.1x32 was very common, plus they used some metric larger tires that were over 6 feet tall. A couple years ago I was at their manufacturing facility in Clear Lake, WI 2 times a week - definitely my favorite stop!
Hey Vince, Arts's yard is nice and sandy....drains quick. My plow is mounted up. I wonder how many rounds we could make before Art dialed in the range.
See you there tomorrow Morning !!!!! I guarantee Art will not notice until at least Sunday! Sounds like FUN!

I took pics of the ruts from the OXBO sweet corn picking, mostly the ruts are at the headlands and the road still looks like it is a dirt or gravel road. Brian, this road is 170th just 1 mile west of your house.
Vince, Brian, back in 2003, Ryan Mull, with a little help from Steve Blunier, plowed up part of Art's yard. Can you say "precedent"...

Here's some pics of the ruts from The Oxbo Harveters picking corn in the rain earlier this week.
The Field Entrance

Ruts in the Field


The Road after they plowed it, this is an asphalt road.

My wife's car after she drove on this road Tuesday evening.
Jeeze, a guy goes out of town for a few days with the family, and comes back to "Hey, let's go plow up Art's yard..."

Some friends I have around here....

Anyway... Yeah, I was out of town, so picture me doing a little "happy-dance" that this PD has been postponed. Hopefully I can make it if it gets rescheduled.

Bob, Tony, and crew always do such a great job with this event, I was sorry to have missed it. <font size="-2">Glad I didn't!</font>

If I'm reading those pictures correctly, that stretch of road is part of my commute to work tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!
Art, I would have brought my landscaping rake and rear blade to level everything out when were done. No worries. And I would be thinking less about the dirt on the road, and more about the snow on the road tomorrow. I put the snow tires on today.
Art, I was hunting, (not successfully however
), not plowing.
Art when i lived in Indiana, we had a neighbor that would do about anything to you as a joke. He stole the plug wires off our car and made us 2 hours late for work, so the next week he was out of town and we fertilized his lawn in streaks. He didn't steal any more plug wires and didn't find out who did the fertilize.
Rick "B",
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">THAT"S A GOOD ONE!!</font></font>
Rick we might need a high crop to plow with after all the rain we have been gettin
Looking at the extended weather forecast, it appears that there might be a window for getting in plow days. From the previous posts, it was mentioned that beans need some nice days to dry. Well today, Sun & Monday are nice. So I hope they can be harvested on Monday (knock on wood).

Next weekend is suppose to be nice too, perfect for plowing.
So is plowing back on or is it wishful thinking on my part?
Talked to Bob and he is thinking maybe this weekend (23&24) depending on the weather. We are supposed to get alot of rain this week agian. Enough of the beans are off to have it. He is going to make up his mind WEDNESDSY EVENING if he is going to have it this weekend. Please check back then one of us will post it when we here something.
well, i am up for plowing when it is a little muddy

Only wednesday will for sure rain. The other days are <40%
so the odds are in our favor!

will the pulling sled make it? Whoever built it, did a great job.