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Fall Harvester PLOW DAY "2009"

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Nice pics Jeff

hopefully the beans are mature in a week -10 days so that we can get some plowin in . After the short summer we had we all need some seat time.
Looked at the father-in-laws beans tonight

he want to combine them middle of next week . So I better get the 1650 ready for some action. my plow needs a good scouring...Nothin like good ole Iowa dirt for that .Hope to see lots of old friends at Montrose in 2 1/2 weeks and meet new ones as well.
Talked to Bob this morning and he's thinkin middle of the week the beans should be off. Got a quarter in. of rain friday, plow day's should be great!!
I have an above ground portable fire bowl with a screen that I always bring with. You can hang out at our place if you like. :)
The bossman FINALLY signed my vacation slip for Oct 9.......looks like Mr. Rick will be heading North for the festivities. Too far to double pull with the fifth wheel....looks like I better find a room somewhere.
Rick can't wait either ... its now only 8 days whoooooooooooho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went and had a beer with Bob and as of now the beans are not off. We have had rain everyday since wednesday and they are talkin rain the next two days so lets hope for the best. It quit raining this afternoon and got the pulling track graded out nice so it is ready to go. Will be in touch as the week progresses and keep our fingers crossed that mother nature helps us out. Call Bob with any other ?'s.
Doesn't look like a break from the rain till Wensday. Lets pray for some warm breeze days to dry things out.
I know Bob don't have a problem putting the beans in the dryer.
I've got my 122 ready for Saturday, hopefully the weather will cooperate!


The 149 in the background is waiting for its motor to be reinstalled(without balance gears), and it may also go to Montrose!
Its been raining pretty steady here for a week. How long would a person need to wait before picking the beans? Assuming you could even get into the fields.

I would assume that if plowday is canceled for this weekend we'll be told Thursday night? If canceled, is there a backup weekend?
the funny thing about beans is that they take on moisture so fast when its damp and wet ..late week our beans were 12-15%, they were ready to harvest, but now after a couple of crappy days they are in the high teens and low 20s for moisture. Way to wet to harvest . What we need is 3 days of a good breeze and some sun then they will go. on a good day they will drop a couple points in moisture at least. the fields where Bob is would dry out quickly , as it is black sand ....so if Bob has a window at all to get the beans out... Im sure that he will and the field will be fine for plowin ... btw Bob if you do get a window to take the beans out ...let me know I'll give you a hand
Maybe we'll have a Friday Harvest Day and a Saturday Plow Day
Hi guys, I will make the final decision tonight at 6pm after I walk the fields. No rain today. It is breezy and sunny. Rain is forecast for tomorrow and snow on Saturday.

If it doesn't happen this weekend we will have a rain date to follow…if the weather cooperates

Email [email protected]
Phone 612-581-0395

I just got off the phone with Bob, He walked the bean field and the beans are way to wet to combine. They are talking poss rain tomm and cold and overcast Friday. (poss snow flurries Fri nite and 25 degrees) So he has decided to postpone plow day for now, He does not know what weekend will work yet but will update as we go. He is planning on having it yet this fall but said it may only be a 3-4 day notice depending. Keep watching for updates and in the mean time keep polishing the tractors!

Thanks for making the call early. Saved me alot of extra hauling for nothing.