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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. T

    Archive through January 29, 2010

    Hi all, I've got some hard decisions to make about getting a trailer. I need both a small and large trailer, a small one to pull around the yard for various things (but kinda want one larger than those little garden carts, ideally like a 5x7). Something I could haul the cubs on and then in turn...
  2. T

    Archive through November 30, 2009

    <blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font> Welcome Jeff... I'm from Syracuse, Scott Stanton is from Corning, Brendan Bingham is from Whitney Point, plus a few others... <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> For the record I grew up near Henderson Harbor (20min outside...
  3. T

    Archive through November 30, 2009

    Jim, Kendell, Dennis, Brad, Thanks for the info guys. I know the cubs and pushing dirt isnt an ideal setup especially since I actually need to move it a ways I would really want a loader. But thats pretty much done with now, had the guy come over with the skid loader or whatever you call them...
  4. T

    Archive through November 30, 2009

    Well I finally got to test out the 129 pushing dirt since I weighted the tires and put chains on. I filled it with RV antifreeze an measured 50# extra per tire (not counting the chains) and then put the chains on right this year - had to cut quite a bit off to get them to fit good - 3 of the...
  5. T

    Archive through November 28, 2009

    Just a shot in the dark but could they have started putting the balance gears in the later model K241 like what went into quietlines? Not to many of those out there, might be why you dont see em that much. I havent checked mine yet.
  6. T

    Archive through November 25, 2009

    <font color="0000ff">By Tony Henrie (Thenrie) on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 08:40 am: What's the ply rating on those ag-looking ATV tires? I like 'em. What do they cost and where can I get 'em?</font> The ones I pictured I found on...
  7. T

    Archive through November 24, 2009

    As far as ags vs atv's dont forgot that there are probably as many different types of atv tires than there are car tires... I found these recently and really like em. They have the ag style tread and looks but instread of solid bars they are hollow which would give you a lot more bite on...
  8. T

    Archive through November 22, 2009

    BTW thanks for ideas and such about pushing dirt with cubs. I still dont really know how much strain it can safely take but I figure any time I have to take it to 'ramming speed' just to get it to move is probably not a good idea! I want to get some ag tires or atv tires but I dont think I...
  9. T

    Archive through November 20, 2009

    OK, I got some ground to scrape down a bit, I am wondering just how much abuse can these old cubs take? I know my 129 & snow/dirt blade probably wouldnt get through sod and had a fellow come over with one of those skid loader things or whatever they are to get the ground ready for a pole barn...
  10. T

    Archive through August 27, 2009

    <blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font> By Matt Gonitzke (Mgonitzke) on Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 08:27 pm: If 5, 6, and 7 are separating, the problem is in the clutch driver. Since it's a QL, I bet the spherical ball bushing is bad, and possibly the whole clutch...
  11. T

    Archive through August 26, 2009

    Oh and for easier reference, here is the picture again I am going buy for all my part # references. I dont know if the clutches varied by model, but just for reference this is from a Cub 1000 Quiet Line. Thanks again for all the assistance so far
  12. T

    Archive through August 26, 2009

    <font size="-2">"By Dave Ross (Dross) on Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 02:16 pm: Tristan, I just went out to the place and measured the throw on my 72 I got right at an inch and a half of movement at the lower edge of the throwout arm (10)." </font> Dave I was able to run out quick and...
  13. T

    Archive through August 26, 2009

    Richard... I would assume what you mention about the engine bolts would be for the opposite problem I have. My tractor will still drive around in gear, the clutch will not disengage the drivetrain, meaning I can start it in gear and take off but cannot stop. If its in nuetral trying to shift it...
  14. T

    Archive through August 26, 2009

    Dave... I'll have to double check that pin. At work now wont be home till 7pm. But like I said the throw out arm does go back and forth when I watched it so I am guessing the pin isnt broke. I just not sure how much travel it suppose to take before the clutch disengages. I might try re...
  15. T

    Archive through August 26, 2009

    Dave, throw out arm (#10) moves back and forth with pedal so I dont think its any problem with linkages or pins. It doesnt move much, maybe 1/4" or so, what is normal? I was thinking maybe adjustment too so I tried cranking in the nut a bunch and no difference. Then I thought no way it should be...
  16. T

    Archive through August 26, 2009

    John, Rich, thanks for the suggestions. I am no expert mechanic but sitting here trying to think how I can get smoke out of the oil fill but no smoke out the exhaust... is it possible something is getting so hot to burn the oil in the crankcase like a rod/crank bearing? Weird thing is the motor...
  17. T

    Archive through August 24, 2009

    Problems with my 129... After a few minutes it starts smoking out of the oil check/fill port. It started doing this earlier in the season, after a while it seemed like it started loosing power, then I would notice the smoke. Thought maybe it was overheating because the muffler was coming apart...
  18. T

    Archive through August 03, 2009

    Simple (stupid? lol) question for you all, just got a new grease gun since after the move last year I have not had the ability to unpack hardly any of my tools (and I only had a mini one anyhow). I know there are three grease fittings on the deck, how do you know when they are sufficiently...
  19. T

    Archive through July 05, 2009

    Keith - I beleive the only main difference with the 1000 and 1200 is the 10 and 12 HP motors. If I am wrong I am sure the elders here will correct me. Also, to better distinguish them with earlier 'wide frames' they are known as Quiet Line tractors (unlike the earlier wide frames they had...
  20. T

    Archive through July 03, 2009

    Roland Bedell (Rbedell), thanks for the diagram. Like I said I've been to lazy to find my voltmeter. Not that I am THAT lazy but everything is in boxes from our move still - and I'm not talking a couple boxes I mean wall to wall in our basement full of my tools and equipment. I'm in the process...