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Archive through August 27, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2008
Matt (Diesel Creek)
dang archive bug... we should really fix that worm hole


Off topic public service announcement....
ahhh...filter service announcement...

M A I N E N A N C E .......
I had to drag this home....it was free.....They said it real ornery and needed some tinkering. I tipped it on it's side and an exhaust bolt fell out, just about every fastener was that way...

After wiping the plug off it looked good so I move on to the air filter. No wonder it was ornery, I can't believe it even ran ! The worst case of smoker's lung I have ever seen......

After I pulled that out and put a splash of new gas in it, it fired right off with two wimpy, I mean back is really wrecked wimpy type pulls....runs great
Matt S.,
looks like a solid 125 to me! -- GREAT FIND!

Ryan Wilke
Can anyone tell me where the "Do Not Tow" decal goes on a 1450?
Thanks in advance.
Brad Rainey

James Mac,
I had all kinds of problems with gas leaking out of the bowl. Seems like the tiniest bit of dirt\debris finds its way to the valve. I pretty much eliminated the problem with new gas lines and an in-line fuel filter. At least I haven't had any leaks for about a year now.
Hope this helps
Brad R - It goes on the right side (as you're seated on the tractor) of the tunnel cover. Circled in red below:

There is another "Do Not Tow" decal that I have, besides the one you have pictured. I never seen a Cub 1450 with this decal before, but then again, I haven't seen too many QL's around here.
BTW nice looking Cub.
Thanks, Brad
Brad - My decal set came with two different decals for that area. One says:


This one is used on tractors with auto unloading valves and no release lever. (As you can see, I originally applied the wrong one.)

The other decal says:


This one is used with manual valves, and goes on the cover with a release lever/handle. Your 1450 should only have one or the the other, depending on which type you have. At least that's my understanding, and the info came from an extremely reliable trusted source (thanks again, Kraig McC!)

That's my story & I'm sticking to it...
Tristan check the bolts holding #9 to the frame. I had one to break on my 128 and caused the clutch to not release. Just my 02c
Ryan D Wilke (Rwilke) what program did you use for the spread sheet on the dual tube K`s . I don`t run an office and can`t open the info. Is there a different program that you could make that info available to us Cub Guys. Thanks for your effort. Later Don T
Thanks for the clarification.
My tractor doesn't have the manual release valves, So I was uncertain whether or not that decal went there .
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Matt Gonitzke (Mgonitzke) on Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 08:27 pm:

If 5, 6, and 7 are separating, the problem is in the clutch driver. Since it's a QL, I bet the spherical ball bushing is bad, and possibly the whole clutch driver is cracked somewhere. Either would cause it to bind.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Are you referring to #21 on the diagram? I will have to take a closer look at that when I get back from work, another long day, wont be home till after 7

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Dave Ross (Dross) on Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 08:55 pm:

The only other thing I got is look at the throw out bearing 3 if that has failed it won't pull far enough. With everythin off, lock the pedal down and reach in there and see if you can feel whats tight. If the clutch disc is "loose" but the shaft still tight mabey Matts got it figured out.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
I will double check that tonight. I never thought about locking the pedal down, that would be a lot easier than trying to hold it with one arm and reach my other arm around feeling stuff lol!
I do remember feeling it last time and the outer part of it spun around, is it suppose to move in a different way also?

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Luther Ray Hinds (Lhinds) on Friday, August 28, 2009 - 04:49 am:

Tristan check the bolts holding #9 to the frame. I had one to break on my 128 and caused the clutch to not release. Just my 02c
Luther<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

I do not remember that part being loose but I will definatly double check that tonight.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
Don T.,

I used the Microsoft Excel worksheet program. I could copy it over to a WORKS spreadsheet, if you have that program.
Or, since it didn't amount to much, I could just put the data onto a page in Text form if you'd like.

Ryan Wilke
I have a decal that cautions about jumping the battery. I would guess that it goes somewhere around the battery box, but then I wondered about the underside of the seat plate.
Can you tell me where it goes?
Thanks, Brad
Matt S., I lightened up the photo of your 125. Looks good to me.

Don T.-

You could just download openoffice (free substitute for MS Office) and use the spreadsheet program to view it.
We use OpenOffice.org at work. Pretty good substitute and free download. Also automatically converts to a pdf with one click. Then anyone can open it on any machine with pdf reader.
Ryan W, Great job on the dual tube kohler chart

Keith L, are you saying that you do other things at your job than what you are suppose to be doing?
But of course how could I say something like that.
Thanks a bunch guys a have downloaded and saved that info.DOT arrived here today and filled some pot holes in on our street. I`am a happy guy now (just took 4 yrs).The holes were 6" deep and filled with water when it rains. Have a great Cub Day. later Don T