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Archive through November 25, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2009
Reidsville, NC
Marty A. Gwin
Thanks for the info. The 122 is my dad's, and all he is going to do is plow his garden with it. As long as it fits it's ok. This seat will be better than the fork truck seat that is on it now!
Happy Thanksgiving cubbers!
Here are some photos of my first restoration that was completed in Oct. This took me five months to complete. I have already plowed my garden with it, and am very pleased with it's performance. I also have recently purchased another project...a model 70. Will post pics for it soon. Enjoy the long weekend!







Frank and Kraig:
I thought the reason to use a spirol was to avoid the pin wallowing out the hole (or is that wallering?) and falling out. (WF's don't have this problem...)
I guess everyone is in the kitchen this evening. As for me, I'm headed for bed. (long day at work)Here are the photos of my next project. Pretty messy huh?



Marty great job on the 128. I have a 128 and 129 donor i hope to start soon, that is a nice machine you have
Marty Allen, your 70 doesnt look bad at all to me... by no means a show piece put a good worker... does it run? in fact it looks better than my 71 i use daily!
also great job on the 128, would you be willing to take some specific pictures for me and let me use them on my cub cadet identification site? it would be that tractor that represents the 128 model and would be seen when looking for details about the machine or what have you... let me know it would be a big help!
<font color="0000ff">By Tony Henrie (Thenrie) on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 08:40 am:

What's the ply rating on those ag-looking ATV tires? I like 'em. What do they cost and where can I get 'em?</font>

The ones I pictured I found on http://tiresunlimited.com/ALL%20TIRES/Cheng%20Shin/CS%20GBC%20ATV/cheng_gbc_gator.htm They are all 6 ply but cost would depend on what size your looking at. They seem about the same price as carlisle ag tires. I want to go to a taller tire but not wider, there arent a lot of options except atv tires. I'm thinking 26x10x12. They say that will fit 7" rim so the rim that my 23x8.5x12 can be reused. My biggest problem now is finding a front tire that is a bit taller than stock, preferably in a tri-rib (or 4 or 5 rib for that matter as long as they deep ribs and not the crappy turf ribs I got now).

I have plenty of issues with my turf tires not getting traction and spinning out in my yard especially on inclines and such, even had to tow my cub out with my truck when it got stuck. I would hope these might actually cause less damage since I hope they would not slip so much. But they would be mostly for the garden since I might have issues with the mower deck clearence (not really sure, but I got two cubs anyhow) I wouldnt mind ags either, but they dont seem to come in anything but like 3 sizes.
Marty - The 128 looks fantastic. Post some bigger pictures if you can.
Anybody know where i can get the original IH hub caps for my 124? It has only one of the original caps remaining on the LR wheel. I heard that they are very rare, but i dont want to pay outrageous prices for them. I Just need the hubs now, and it'll be complete! THANKS!

International leaves all others in the dust!
I can see why they are rare. Everyone wants 100+ dollars for them, or they are sold out! I better hold on to that last remaining one.
That cub project you have is not bad at all. Once you clean it up a bit, it will be good. I have a 100 that looked the same way, i cleaned it up a bit, and tinkered a bit on the motor, and within 2 weeks, it ran. Good luck, cub projects are challenging sometimes, but it really is worth it once you see and hear the results!
Make that ol' 70 a racing tractor, it's the perfect size! I did it to an old cub cadet 72, it can be done.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Here is a little old original cub that i just bought from a friend last week for $210. Runs excellent.
Happy Thanksgiving and God bless to everyone.
Luther Hinds
tim...um tim are you saying you bought that particular original or do you have the pic just for show? because that particular Original belongs to Myron Bounds and is special in that it has two implament lift handels and that bar across the front.....
Happy Thanksgiving to All. We do have a lot to be thankful for!
Question for the starter generator experts. I have a 129 just recently freshened up. It has a good die hard battery in it that reads 12.70 vdc connected to the tractor with every thing off. While running at WOT, the voltage on my meter jumps around from anywhere between 15v to 19v. It never settles in on a constant voltage. My question is... is this normal or is somthing wrong? (Bye the way......its ok to save some turkey for later.)
Down here we all "waller" in the mud 'n such.
I think the rest of the world wallows!
Matt S: You can be assured that that particular Cub Cadet Original (with both lift handles) will be aboard my IH Model 2000 Trailer (along with the SO76) being towed by my IH Model 1210 Pick up in the local Christmas Parade in a couple of days, at 4 pm on Saturday 28 November 2009, right here in downtown Texas...

If Timmy D's newly acquired Original looks that good (even with only one lift handle) and also runs good like he said he he's got a good deal... Congratulations.. and no objection to you using that photo... You can also see that photo at www.CCSupplyRoom.com

Myron B
I got a pic of one just to show. I'll upload a pic soon. My camera broke, and i just uploaded a sample pic of one. Sorry if i copied somethin or other, i didnt know. Mine looks the same though. Sorry bout that.