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WWII Farmall H

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Thank you Kraig!

Seat post was a little wallowed out so I just welded it shut and drilled the holes to proper size. Viola!

Here is a few more.



Another coat. Debating doing just a tiny amount of filler for the pin holes down the top center of the tank. I'm not doing a cosmetic resto here but I don't want water and moisture settling in and ruining my work either.



Another coat on some of the more weathered pieces.
Thanks Earl! It's been a long hard fought project.

Thank you Kraig! Should have some good bark I hope. The kit came with high dome pistons and Hastings piston rings(shameless plug for a good Michigan company). Nice crystal clean exhaust so far and no oil leaks(knock on wood).
Oh the good times. I knew I would regret not tearing that water pump down for a look see. It's ok, didn't mind taking the front end back off for the third time. No worries.



Brian, very nice work. I've been watching and lurking on this project since you first posted. The 'newest' tractor that my Grandpa had on the farm was a Farmall MD. That tractor is long gone, but my Dad has a Farmall H waiting for restoration. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Mike! Thank you Kevin!

This thing is driving me nuts!!! Now I have no watter leaks but a weird squeak from the water pump. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Maybe the packing is too tight? On the bright side there is no water leaking from the water jacket or the water pump so I'm counting it as a step in the right direction at this point.
. Dang it! We need a KenTuck emoji here.
Kentucky is going to crap a brick if this ever gets done. I'm going to email him personally. Don't you guys dare wake him up either!!!! <u> That means you, you know who!

"Like the old dog said sliding down the sidewalk ... ruff! You've got your work cut out looks like for the next decade. Good Luck. I want to see her when she's all dressed for the prom ;)"
Thanks Kraig! Yes, its stainless. I would have purchased the painted steel one as it looks the most original but this was a Christmas present so stainless it is.

Here are a few shots of today.




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