I have a cadet 107 that has sat now for 2 years. I absolutely love my little Cub cadet. However, a few years back, it would runwell for about an hour and then if I went up a small incline it would stall out and not start back up. Not sure if it was a carburetor or the old wiring That was shorting or not allowing the battery to Is charge. I have purchased a new wiring harness and was gonna install it. However, the current wiring harness looks completely different than any of the wiring diagrams I currently have. so The question was, do I want to do a full restore? Do I just want to get it running? Or once I get into it Is there things that I should do change update, Sand blaster and paint. So by not making a decision? I have done nothing. Can any one suggest what they've done? What approach they've come to I basically just want to use it to cut the grass and haul things around the yard, but I wouldn't mind also, taking it to an old iron and power show and what have others done to get motivated to store on the project where would be the best place to start? And how would you take your approach to the starting process?. Thank you