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What is up over at the registry

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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X 2!!!!
ALLEN - Actally the first person I remember saying, "It's JUST a %$@& garden tractor!" was a frequent poster who liked to start arguments about various topics then try to change the subject by making that comment. He also made other controversial comments that old-timers drop in posts sometimes to add comic relief to Hot Topics.

Ahhhh I have some FOOT TALL wet grass I think I'll go out and MOW in Third gear with my CC #70. That tired old 7 or 8 HP Kohler can handle it!

RANDY L. - One of the main reasons to support the sponsors here by buying your CC parts is so you know you get the correct parts. MANY people here don't have good dealers to buy parts from. They have to special order parts for these older tractors which really drives the price up and adds time to any repair project. I've done business with most of the sponsors here and have been completely happy with the parts and customer service. People here suggest to use the sponsors so you get the correct parts to repair your CC properly. We all hate some of the butcher jobs done to these little tractors to try to "Fix" them by cobbling them back together. And it's so much easier to use and work on them when they're put together with OEM parts. IHC REALLY did know what they were doing when they built these little tractors!
Experience!! While most members of this site are fine outstanding citizens and are a delight to assist when they have questions and need help understanding their, sometimes obscure, problems ...

Till you operate a forum or an on-line parts site (I've got one) you have NO idea:

1) How many Mooches...
2) How many parsimonious welfare-minded Jerks who want someone else to pay for the manuals & instructions so they can download them free...
3) How many sanctimonious Nincompoops think the laws of the land and rules of this forum are for others but not for themselves...
4) How many illiterate Goobers there are that can't, or perhaps won't, read even the simplest of instructions...
5) How many Ding-a-lings think that the many volunteers, with experience, have nothing else to do and are always standing by 24 hours-a-day to immediately respond if they ever have a question that's been posted to the FAQ about 10 years or so and get pi$$ed when it takes a while for some one to find the spare time to provide a response...


And some of them are even posting their nonsense, mewling, whining complaints & comments on other sites... Geeeeez.. The Rev, Bryan, Kraig, and Charlie and some others deserve medals for enduring all the crapola they have taken...

Myron B
I would like to add that I do support this form ,by me ordering parts to repair my Cubs and I do pay a premium for shipping. I do this to assist the site in hopes that this form will be alive and well long after I`am not. Thanks to those who deserve praise and thanks. I won`t get into who they are because they know whom I`am speaking of.

Since no one from the Registry will step up and say anything!

The Registry as it was is GONE!

What's left IE: It's members have started a new website without Mark B at the helm.
And NO I don't know anything else, so don't ask. It seems the crash or whatever transpired is very secretive and I'm not privy to to secret info.
And NO ONE from there has yet to say exactly what transpired. Must be an Area 51 type of thing. LOL

There is a new site taking it's place.
I found the new site and was going to post it's location here, but thought, those who care will find it somehow. I don't like their new format - too many topics, too many sections, too confusing. If we change formats here, I hope it doesn't look like the "new registry" does.

I also see they have a totally new moderating crew there. In addition to no Mark B, the "Mayor" isn't there either. Looks like Scott and few others took it upon themselves to start a new site.

I'm not crazy about its new format either.

I hope this forum's format can stay as is.
this thread just answered alot of my questions about the two sites and their historys. i always wondered why
Dustin & Kirk: Where'd that year go! (posting dates a year apart). :>)