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What is up over at the registry

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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PAUL - Same here, haven't had a glass of milk in DECADES, but still have a shake or malt occasionally, Curds that "Squeek", string cheese, or any other excuse to eat cheese is good. Have to agree with the cheese hat, I wouldn't wear one either.

SON called yesterday at Noon. He starts building big GREEN combines on 10-1, so our local get-to-gether will have to be before then. SON's doing all the "Fussy" work on the CC#70 so I think it's only fair I invite him too. He helped with the rebuild of the K321 in the 72 as well. Guess I'll rebuild the K241..again..solo.
I've been wondering what happend to the registry lately. There have been some pictures I've been trying to get off of the site to use as templates for something I'm making!

Server failures are never good! I work in IT and have been down that road more times that I care to admit!
I don't understand what all the fuss is about.

There is a great Cub Cadet Forum right HERE

There is NOTHING special about the site across the street.

Obviously, the owners and administrators don't care that much about their members in that they have chosen to remain silent.

I for one, do not buy this claim, that they had a "server crash".

It takes two items to get a site going. (A) Server Space and (B) a software program. They already have the program so it is just a matter of Server Space. Anyone can go to a Server Site and buy space and accomplish this with 60 minutes or less. So....what takes 10+ days?

Once up & running, one can eventually go back and recover their archives.

OR...they could temporarily go to sites like Yahoo Groups.

If that problem happened here, I know Charlie has the time, knowledge, and resources to get back online quickly.
I have read and enjoyed both forums for years. I never had much reason to post. Most of the time I found the answer or somebody else said it first. But, the availablity of the manuals on the registry site was nice.
Raymond: Charlie has a site sponsor right here on this site that sells all the manuals you could ever think of related to Cub Cadets.

BINDER BOOKS simply click on their banner at the top of every page to go to their site.

They care enough about the Cub Cadet owners to pay to advertise not only here, but also on onlycubcadets.net (which keeps both sites free to users/members...and helps to prevent these 'crashes') It would be nice if Cub Cadet owners cared enough about Binder Books to buy the Cub Cadet manuals they need, instead of always wanting things for free.

BTW, all of the banners at the top of every page here, are owned by folks who care about Cub Cadet owners too, we should all thank them by throwing a little business their way.
Sounds like BINDER BOOKS Has a spokesperson or a stockholder.Hey you all should lighten up even Charlie visits the Registry.
The manuals are also free on the cub cadet site,or here.
Ain't I a stinker...heheheheh
Mr. Palma:
Long before the various sites had 'free manuals', and way before MTD gave the public access to the 'Parts Look-up' site, if you didn't get lucky enough get the manuals with the tractor, or to find an original copy at a tractor show, you had to buy from Binder Books. Many of us who have been in this hobby for a while, know this, and have bought from them.

Plus they have been a sponsor here for many years.

Sorry if my appreciation of what they do for the IH collectors, restorers, and owners, (and have done for quite a while) offended you.
I am not trying to offend you,which I did not mean to imply,but,there are other options out there now.
Most of us would rather not buy a manual just to fix a tractor that we're going to sell. I've found myself in that situation several times. Electronic copies are also nice because you can print off a couple of pages or whatever is pertinent and take them out in the garage and get them dirty.

I also bought a bunch of REAL service manuals at a dealer auction a long time ago.
I have bought books and lots of decals from Binder. Good quality stuff. Thanks for the manual link. IH guys always come through.
I visit any Cub Cadet site, so when one's down, it's a bad thing. I visit this site, the OCC and the registry on a daily basis. I can draw various opinions, information, etc. from each site. I have learn also from visiting each site the many different members, some who are members on each site, and their characters, their knowledge and skill levels, their humor, etc.

As for manuals, I'll buy one only if I can not download one. And if Binder Books manuals are better quality than some of the online manuals, then I wouldn't hesitate to buy one. It's all about getting good, easy to read, information in a timely manner.
Manuals: The Registry crash is a good example of why we should have manuals to fall back on, since personal computers or possibly the whole internet could crash at any time. A lot of kids could live to wish they'd learned to turn a paper page!
Post by Bill Cook - "Raymond: Charlie has a site sponsor right here on this site that sells all the manuals you could ever think of related to Cub Cadets.

BINDER BOOKS simply click on their banner at the top of every page to go to their site.

They care enough about the Cub Cadet owners to pay to advertise not only here, but also on onlycubcadets.net (which keeps both sites free to users/members...and helps to prevent these 'crashes') It would be nice if Cub Cadet owners cared enough about Binder Books to buy the Cub Cadet manuals they need, instead of always wanting things for free.

BTW, all of the banners at the top of every page here, are owned by folks who care about Cub Cadet owners too, we should all thank them by throwing a little business their way.
When you own a Cub Cadet, you own THE BEST!"

This is why I do not post much here at all. If you say something that is not about a sponsor you get your eyes poked out with a sharp stick!

That being said, I have read just about everything on here and have gained alot of knowledge.

I thank you for being here.

The long awaited and overdue post is finally here, for better or worse, it has to be said!

Over the years, I've watched a lot going on this site as well as behind the scenes.
It makes me wonder sometimes why I and others even bother to keep these sites up for others for free!

In one breath, your applauded for doing a good job and in the next your bitch slapped for trying to help the people that keep it free for everyone else. If you search the vault, and I have, you will find no less than 200 references to other parts suppliers that are not sponsors.

Long before I had anything to do with this site internally, I touted up the sponsors at every turn and post. Only because they are the ones that do way more than most ever see or think about to keep this hobby going.

I see post here and on other sites complaining that the forum is way to strict with it's rules.
Structure is the back bone of any forum or civilization and without it, it turns into chaos and confusion and then into oblivion.

I take attacks on the site very personal. I probably shouldn't, but in my eyes, the forum is and always will be the premiere website for Cub Cadets. Even with it's/my faults, no one will ever take that away.

If anyone reading this would like to step up and commit to a long term commitment in helping to run/police the forum, feel free to send me an email telling me why you would want to get hate mail everyday from people bitching that they don't like the format of the site, why the don't like the answers they get or the speed in which they get them, why I'm such an ass for declining a membership because they didn't bother to read simple instructions, why the forum is not set up like the Registry, Only Cub Cadets or any other GT related website. Why it's to much of a hassle to do search to get information they need, and why we won't tell them why their Cub acts funny on a cloudy day.

I could go on for another 3 pages on why I'm such a jerk as could several others on here, but I see no point and it would fall on deaf ears anyway.

We are NOT here to spoon feed anyone! We're here to give help, guidance and advice to the best of our ability, and if it's not to your liking, start a forum of your own and let us come play on your side of the street as it's called.

I take attacks to the forum personally. I took the forum on to keep it from being shut down when our founder Bob got to the point of saying all the crap just wasn't worth it.
Not until recently did I understand Bob and Bryan's frustration in trying to keep something going for the world to enjoy and learn from, without having to weed through trivial post about everything other than Cub Cadets.
I realize that after so many years, that it's tough to keep things fresh and the old guys (Including myself) get frustrated at the lack of initiative from the new guys and some of the old on finding the information that we have all over the place.
I've been in business for myself since I was 23 years old and had 100's of employees over the years, and I have to say that this has been the hardest job I ever had, bar none!

As far as post getting moderated/edited/poofed.
If I or others have issues with someone and the word gets around and we all know it does! LOL
There's TWO sides to every story and even if your so called friends tell you one thing, there's the other guys side to hear before judgment is reached.
I have that honor/duty to preform the moderating duties on a daily bases and if that job offends the person that made the post, I'm the one that made the decision to do it, for one reason only, and that reason is to keep the forum in line with the original guidelines/rules and to protect others from getting hung or taken advantage of.

It's OUR FORUM and in order for things to run smooth, we have to get along. From time to time there's a hitch in the get-a-long, but all in all, I'm proud to be a small part of one of the GREATEST no little to no nonsense websites on the planet. Many may not agree with that statement and that's your right. But it's still a fact, LOL.

On a side note and since it's in the WTH happened to the Registry thread.

I sent an email to the powers that be and others for the Registry offering a helping hand by offering up the Cub Cadet group on Yahoo as a backup site and got no reply from 5 of the 6 I emailed and the one reply was "Mind your own F'n business".
Which is the same reply I got from Mark years ago after a 3 hour phone call where we talked about bridging the gap between forums and the next day my User ID and over 10,0000 post were permanently removed from the Registry.
The funny thing is, they all forget where they came from, as well and forget that 90% of the manuals and information was given to them by Kraig M. and a few others for FREE!
And it took a threat and then Marks attorney getting involved to even get Kraig's name mentioned on the manual section as a contributor, which the last I looked had been removed.

Even Byran has offered a helping hand from time to time to the Registry and also got snubbed for his trouble! And we all know how hard that was for Bryan to do in the first place!

The thing is, I hold no grudge or ill feelings for anyone on the Registry, I figure it's their website and they can do with it what they wish. And I for one wish them all the luck in the world.
But to say one thing in public or online and do something contrary behind the scenes is not the way to operate in this small world we live in, IMHO. But then again, I may be wrong. I've been wrong many times before.

I will have to say that is really saddens me to think that so many good people have to put up with a few bad apples in order to prove what they think is the ONLY right thing to be done to benefit their master plan, what ever that may be.

The comparison is no to berate or belittle, it's just a comparison, nothing more, nothing less.
In fact, you can click the link and put in Weekend Freedom Machines and find that the forum surpasses even them which floored me!

Notice the month of July.


And the funny thing about what's transpired in the last day or two is, The guys that feel picked on are now posting on the Red Power Registry thread on how badly they have been treated.

I'll close this totally forgettable trivial post by saying something said by someone many years ago.

"It's just a damn garden tractor for god sake!"
Charlie P. THANK YOU for putting things into perspective. I have to agree with you 100%.
Thanks Charlie...You said that very well. And that,Ladies and Gentlemen, is exactly why I put my money where my mouth is and sponsor this forum!!

Myron B
Thank you for the post Charlie.

As a person who mainly just reads and searches for the info I need, its nice to know some of the history. Being the head honcho at a forum like this is alot like being the president, alot of headaches and can't make anyone happy.

I really wasn't trying to stir the pot but I guess I did. I hope no hard feelings. I know there are a ton of lazy people who show up and want an instant answer from you guys and that is very annoying I know.

There is a wealth of knowledge here and I appreciate all the help I have had. I do think a person can be "steered" to a vendor without using a stick though, but maybe I just happen to catch the days when some are cranky. Just my .02.

One other thing, from my own experience when you are a new cub owner you don't know the terms to use to get the info you need sometimes. For a person that has been here a long time it seems easy and some sites are harder than others to find the info.

Again, thanks for being here and hope you will be for a long time.

Charlie, Keep up the great work! We greatly appreciate this site!<font size="-2">I'm talking/typin for Art and myself...</font> And many others!

Funny thing this isn't a Ford versus Chevy thing or Deere versus Cub Cadets, etc. That other site is all about Cubs Cadets too...

I can't imagine the fun you go through on a daily basis...and I do tech support/customer service for a living.

Everyone have a wonderful Weekend!
One more note to add here!

It's NOT only me.

Bryan, Kraig and Bob have done more for this website than I ever will. So, lets not forget who REALLY deserves all the credit for making the forum what it is!

I'm just trying to improve what was already here.
Charlie, I can kind of feel your frustration. I, like others here that have worked with the general public, can understand some of the headaches you endure. Some of us could have been fired if we ever got into the face a dumb/stupid/arrogant customer.
At least you can't fire yourself for finally saying ITS ENOUGH ALREADY! to some people.
I suspect your ending line "Its just a damn garden tractor..." was something said by a concerned wife when her hubby went off the deep end on a frustrated fruitless day.
95+% of us are still with ya, although I 'spose more of us could say thanks more often. Dont let the other 5% beat you into the ground, just tell us where they are, we'll drop an old 125 frame on their house!
<font size="-2">(sorry Kraig, LOL)</font>.