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This is my 'enabler', gets the job done for me!
Believe it or not there is a 122 in the pile in back.
There is also something else back there very hard to find, can you see it?

View attachment 138828

I see a little bit of the 122, a QA42 snowthrower, a mower deck and what appears to be either a dozer blade or the rear blade/rake.
I see a little bit of the 122, a QA42 snowthrower, a mower deck and what appears to be either a dozer blade or the rear blade/rake.
Hey Kraig, you nailed it, nice job and good eye!
That rear blade/rake and the 122, is the very same one in my avatar pic. And that's what I has curious if anyone noticed. Those sure are hard to find, at least around here. The mower deck is a 481U1111 that has a '2' stamped over the last '1', weird, see pic.