Since the "ammo shortage thread "has taken up the topics of gun rights and more, I thought maybe a new thread to discuss and share our personal thoughts and solutions to the problems might be shared in this thread, since it ihas moved beyond not being able to finding ammo.
What I am thinking it that the topic of conversation has gotten onto gun rights, the NRA releasing its study and report and our personal thoughts and solutions that we might have to gun violence in American, in your little corner of the world. Its always closer then we think it is, right?
Its someone elses fault. IT always is, isn't it? in each of the mass murdering events that have played out recently in our communities across this nation it has been at the hand of one person. Someone elses fault, and cause of that, those who don't break the law are being punished.!! Really? personally I have heard enough of that conversation. Until solutions are found, violence will continue to increase and it now what?
In each personal act of violence that does take place, it is always someone else's doing. But that does not erase US from the response and the solution to the problem. And with that being said, hopefully some thought provoking talk can take place here?
What with Conneticut being the first state to address and enact "far reaching Gun Control Laws", I'm sure there are many who are feeling the extremes of these laws. As a Nation, how can we expect less, when such a tragedy as the massacre of 20 children and 6 adults took place in that state, leaving them feeling angry and helpess. Something HAD to give. I was abit surprized at the extent of what laws were enacted, but I thought they were appropriate in light of the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary a few days before Christmas of last year. How can we as a society expect nothing to happen,no change to take place when the results have such far reaching responses for us all? Or I feel it should affect us all. It shouldnt be about they are going to take away our 7th Amendment rights.!! NO..that isn't going to happen. The legacy of our freedoms is strong and proud and it is ones right to PROTECT themselves. However, change has to manifest in order for the future to not hold what the past has given us. It is crystal clear that violence is becoming a common every day event in our lives. yes in our lives. We never know when we might be the next person, the next family effected by the acts of others. Do we? As I have said in the past, within my own family, there is the legacy of gun violence. That does not sway me from others having the legal right to protect themselves, but I do know what happens when violence hits home. Also I have been the victim of violence and have had a loaded gun pointed at me. I wish no one had to be in that place..EVER in their lives.
the NRA spent over $1 Million for the study and and then a comprehensive 225 page report that was just released addressing gun violence. The focus on that report in gun violence in schools and how to protect the innocent. The report in indepth and has a mulitude of suggestions.
They stated that the Federal Government needs to be responsive in looking for and aiding in solutions to the problem as well.
So, what's you all thinking, or thunking about?
I certainly wouldnt appreciate posts that end up in rant and rave, and if those happen, personally, I'm not even going to read those, as I dont feel agressive words need to be the norm when it comes to talking about what is happening with current events. it isn't about ammo being in short supply, or the 7th Ammedment being struck down. That isn't going to happen.
What I am thinking it that the topic of conversation has gotten onto gun rights, the NRA releasing its study and report and our personal thoughts and solutions that we might have to gun violence in American, in your little corner of the world. Its always closer then we think it is, right?
Its someone elses fault. IT always is, isn't it? in each of the mass murdering events that have played out recently in our communities across this nation it has been at the hand of one person. Someone elses fault, and cause of that, those who don't break the law are being punished.!! Really? personally I have heard enough of that conversation. Until solutions are found, violence will continue to increase and it now what?
In each personal act of violence that does take place, it is always someone else's doing. But that does not erase US from the response and the solution to the problem. And with that being said, hopefully some thought provoking talk can take place here?
What with Conneticut being the first state to address and enact "far reaching Gun Control Laws", I'm sure there are many who are feeling the extremes of these laws. As a Nation, how can we expect less, when such a tragedy as the massacre of 20 children and 6 adults took place in that state, leaving them feeling angry and helpess. Something HAD to give. I was abit surprized at the extent of what laws were enacted, but I thought they were appropriate in light of the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary a few days before Christmas of last year. How can we as a society expect nothing to happen,no change to take place when the results have such far reaching responses for us all? Or I feel it should affect us all. It shouldnt be about they are going to take away our 7th Amendment rights.!! NO..that isn't going to happen. The legacy of our freedoms is strong and proud and it is ones right to PROTECT themselves. However, change has to manifest in order for the future to not hold what the past has given us. It is crystal clear that violence is becoming a common every day event in our lives. yes in our lives. We never know when we might be the next person, the next family effected by the acts of others. Do we? As I have said in the past, within my own family, there is the legacy of gun violence. That does not sway me from others having the legal right to protect themselves, but I do know what happens when violence hits home. Also I have been the victim of violence and have had a loaded gun pointed at me. I wish no one had to be in that place..EVER in their lives.
the NRA spent over $1 Million for the study and and then a comprehensive 225 page report that was just released addressing gun violence. The focus on that report in gun violence in schools and how to protect the innocent. The report in indepth and has a mulitude of suggestions.
They stated that the Federal Government needs to be responsive in looking for and aiding in solutions to the problem as well.
So, what's you all thinking, or thunking about?
I certainly wouldnt appreciate posts that end up in rant and rave, and if those happen, personally, I'm not even going to read those, as I dont feel agressive words need to be the norm when it comes to talking about what is happening with current events. it isn't about ammo being in short supply, or the 7th Ammedment being struck down. That isn't going to happen.