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The cats are here, now it's time for the dogs

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Here is an older picture of Connie and 'Coco' together. His name is Coco only because we wouldn't let the girls name him...................and are you ready for this one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hot Coco......

Ok it was a laugh when the girls were 12 and 3 but you get the point.

Here's Coco my Chocolate Lab, she's 8. She awaiting a new friend - well she does not know it but she's getting one in the first of November.


One of the fawn colored Boxers will be her new friend.




Brian and Vincent..thanks for showcasing the pics of your " Cocoa's". how interesting they both have the same name. lol

Ah Vincent, perhaps you might want to start talking to Cocoa about getting a new pal come November? Time to start letting her in on the secret... hahaha. She's a beautiful lab by the way.

and Brian, is your Cocoa a springer? she's darling.. and the little one with her...((smiles))
I found these pics on my comp when I was cleaning things up and moving pics to new folders. I dont recall the story, but I dont think one is needed. As they say, a pic is worth a thousand words..I know your heart will be as touched as mine is by this duo.




Frank, yes I do remember that the white dog is blind. I can't remember if it was born that way, or if somthing happened. I have read other stories and seen pics of blind dogs ( and cats) that do well without their vision. As is the same with humans, we all adapt, I know disabled animals often have another animal who will take the position of caretaker,without any training as such.

I wonder if the white dog is albino? sometimes I know albino animals are deaf, put perhaps blindness can creep up with albino's? I know with Dalmatoons, if they have few spots and are mostly white, they are often deaf. Don't know the whys of it all, but I did read that somewhere .

A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

What a cute pup Vince, wrinkly forehead and all. There's nothing like the smell of a puppies breath. I know ya'll are getting all excited and the 4th will be here before you know it.
Vince, cute puppy!
How did you come up with the name?
Any connection to Charlie P.? I can't imagine it's because of his looks or personality...

Sorry Charlie.... Charlie P that is.

I named my Boxer Charlie in 1986, actually Charlie II but I now think Charlie is fine. In 1986 I worked at a motel-bar-restaurant-bowling alley place and the owners had a Boxer named Charlie. I said I would own a Boxer some day. At the time I did not expect to wait 26 years though...
Charlie is just the cutest.!! I can only imagine how excited the family is for the day to come when Charlie arrives " HOME"

What Allen said about the cats when they're sleeping. Surely, they dream as we do.
Story: 8-9 years ago (Shadow's going on 10) I was giving a ride to a guy and his (then) about 14 year old son. The topic turned to Shadow and what she knew. The son, so innocently, said "Dogs have brains?". It was an idea that he'd never considered! Gotta love being witness to a moment of revelation!!
Frank...'a moment of revelation'...<font size="-2">At the age of 14 he says 'dogs have brains?' why does the word Redneck come to mind ! ? ?</font>