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ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
Mick morgan
Hey guys this is Caleb Morgan posting through my dads login.

I see there was some discussion on the Rockford Plow day so I got in contact with Nick Bruggeman who is hosting the plow day and got some info.

The plow day will held at the same location as Travis's use too. Location address is 1974 Echo Ave. Rockford Iowa 50468


Swap meet stuff welcome.

Please shoot me an email if you have any questions. [email protected]


Mick M. FANTASTIC!!!! Weather permitting count me as being there. I'm hoping to have at least two Cub Cadets along with. One extra in case someone wants to plow but doesn't have a Cub Cadet. I'd like to have three but I'm pretty sure time won't allow me.
Additional information (from Travis)

Friday night festivities as usual.

Rain date is....next spring. Rain out call will be made Thursday (if necessary)
....as far as I know (I just talked to Travis tonight), Travis is hosting, just like the old days......same schedule, same set up, same everything.
Thanks, it's true, I'm having plow day again. Most everything is the same as it has been in the past.

Rockford Fire Dept will be serving food for a fundraiser.

There is a Facebook Page set up with all the info (Rockford Iowa Plow Day) or feel free to post here.

All brands are welcome

The best choices for hotels will be Mason City or Charles City

Caleb, thanks for the plug, but I am the host of the event, same as years past
Having only been in this hobby now for several years, Is this the BIG ONE I have heard about??
When was the last one you held??
Any room for a truck camper to park overnight??
We usually had a fairly good turnout, yes. Hopefully someone has some pictures of the event. There is 22 Acres of grass to park on and you are more than welcome to camp overnight. Just know that it is pasture ground and beware for the steaming pies

The last one I had was in 2010

David, PD11 that Travis hosted back in 2009 was the big one.

That's Travis leading with his Turbo Diesel followed by "Big" Steve Blunier:

Travis I apologize for that. Looking forward to the event. Thanks also to Mr. Bluiner for getting me set straight!!

Hope everyone can make this great plow day!

Hi, Travis,
May I come play? Can I, huh, can I, please?
See you on Friday the 27th.
Found some old pic’s taken on April 8, 2006 at Rockford, the first PD I had been too.



Then there was the "snow plowing" day at Travis's......





I opened the field plowing through 2" of snow in spots with my 582 that Friday afternoon.....

.....When most of the JD guys wouldn't even take their tractors off the trailers....man was that a fun weekend!!!!!

Kids even made a snowman in the fence row!!!
Brian, I've got some photos of the snowman as well on my PC at home. I'll try to remember to post them when I get home this evening.
Mike G.,

Here's a couple more.

One that Art Aytay took:


One that I took:


Brian B., recognize anyone in this?
Left to right, Art's daughter, my daughter and...


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