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ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Right now I'm still planning on attending. I'm working mandatory overtime however I want to try and get some pictures of the items that Dave Kamp brought here a year ago. The shed needs cleaning and I will hopefully be using a trailer to haul stuff. All proceeds go back to Dave Kamp. I am just happy to have store them. There will be some freebies and a couple of my items.

Plus I've a friend that has accepted my invitation to attend Plow Day.
Ah yes, the snow/plow day. Turned out to be one of the best ones I've had!!
An honest question, not trying to stir the pot....

Steve mentioned “When most of the JD guys wouldn’t even take their tractors off the trailers”

What made them not want to plow? I see the green one in front of the snowman with the tires covered in muck.... I’ve worked ground and come out looking like that.

I know if I was at a plow day and had the opportunity to play, I wouldn’t let a little snow stop me.....
LOL! Ya, Kathleen was so little back then. She'll be 22 in November if ya can believe it.


I don't know much about Deere and Company but some folks don't like to get there stuff dirty.
No really, hitting a patch of snow with the plow on is slicker than a bald tired semi on a wet chunk of asphalt.
Didn't want to get them dirty. My 582 didn't care !!!!!

That makes sense.... the only plow and snow combination I've ever dealt with involved chains and the plow on the other end...... LOL

I would imaging wet dirt and a snow patch could bring you to a tire spinning stop.....

I've had the tires looking like the ones in the pictures, where they look like racing slicks.... but that only involved wet dirt, not snowy dirt.....
There has always been a "friendly rivalry" between the green and red/yellow. They were usually concerned about field conditions, plow depth, wax job, etc. The cub guys just wanted to get in the field and get the guy behind them hung up. It's always fun
Brian, I can believe it, my daughter will be 23 in March and graduated from college this past spring.
Man I'm getting old.
Also, Art's daughter graduated from High School this past spring.
Kraig M. Are you thinking of coming?

As of now... I'm bringing two Cub Cadets and a Plow Day newbie!!! The 782D and probably the Keepsake 1650.And someone looking forward to their first Plow Day and meeting new friends.
Marlin, I'm toying with the idea of attending but it's not looking good. I've got a bunch of stuff that I have to get done before winter and the weather up her has been quite rainy the past few weeks which has stalled my progress.
Way things are looking at work I may not be able to make it, unless we start seeing a lot of sun.
Eight days left to get ready (or two for us working sort). I'll probably be taking the 2072 as well as the Wheatland. Next Red Power I may actually have a For Sale sign on it, but until then I want to get it out and plowing a few rounds. It's been field tested enough with non-plow days. Now that I'm starting to get the temps of the stroker engine in the 2072 under control it should be a good run. The hydro cooler setup has been the best. I'm thinking of also putting it on the 782!
Which one For Sale? Wheatland or 2072????

Chris E. and I are trying to figure out how to get everything on one trailer.....I'd love to bring the disk to play with, but it takes up so much room.....If I can get it all worked out, we may be able to get his diesel, my diesel, 2 bottom, disk, and his Brinly cat 0 out there! Otherwise, both diesels and plows.
Not the 2072! That's my mowing/snow/plowing/raking/aerating and kids joyride rig. It's already too beat up to put up for sale (plus with the 35-some HP folks'll get too giddy riding)
I guess I should dig my plow out of the storage unit and get serious about this, LOL.
Nah.....I'll doo the last minute panic like every year.
Join the club Rick!!!!

I'm thinking about smoking a pork loin for Friday Evening....
The hardest thing about smoking those is rolling them up and keeping them lit!
This time I'm taking an extra day off just for the crap I normally scramble to get done in a few minutes before we leave...

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