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My Rant - Airport Security

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2006
Olivia, MN
Greg Lippert
(Digger - if this is considered political, or divisive, feel free to dump it)

We haven't heard a rant from the Grump in a while, so I'm going to rant a little on my own:

What's the deal with all the whiners who don't like the airport security? Notwithstanding the obvious need to try to identify, detect, and deter those who would do harm to innocent travelers, I see no harm in taking safety precautions. Heck, I still have all the safety shields on my mower decks, tiller, snowthrower, etc. Why wouldn't I want maximum safety precautions if I want to fly somewhere?

I think the protestors forget that flying is not a right - it's a privilege. As such, those who own the process have the right and responsibility to maximize the safety and security of all their customers. The protestors do have the right to choose a different mode of travel. Cabs, buses, trains, etc., are all viable options that don't require pasenger screening to the same level as air travel. Face it, our Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness - it guarantees our right to pursue happiness. (Perhaps getting their 15 minutes of fame by protesting the process makes them happy?)

Personally, I don't forsee myself doing much more flying, but not because of the security measures. I've just flown enough and I'm at a point in my life where I don't need to get to my destinations in a hurry. I much prefer to drive and see the countryside. And, I'm 6'6" tall and legroom is a serious issue. However, if and when I do fly again, I'll gladly follow whatever safety procedures are required at that time. It's their party and I'll play by their rules! If they want me to strip naked, I will. I have nothing to be ashamed of or proud of - just what the Good Lord gave me.

OK. I feel better now. Thanks for the forum to vent. Now I'm going to get some breakfast!
First of all......Amen Brother!!

Here's the thought that goes through my head...

Just before the pilot shoves the go-levers forward for take-off, I'd rather feel safe in my (smallish-crowded) seat because the TSA at least made an 'attempt' to weed out the bomb-carring nut-job 4 rows back.

If someone next to me is offended by the scanners or the pat downs, then as far as I'm concerned, they can drive to their destination, but please don't compromise MY safety because YOU feel 'violated' or 'offended' by someone making an attempt at doing their job at keeping BOTH of us safe.

<font size="-2">There, now your post won't be the only one being POOFED!</font>
i`am sure Digger had short arm inspection in the air force lol. I don`t give a hoot how they check me. I owe nothing in the way of harm to most, I don`t have to agree neither. sometimes I have to do what my gram told me lol. (Hold your toungue boy others do think like you ).Greg L ,and all that before breakfast lol.Freedom of thought will always be something no one will ever have to be able to dispute if kept to ones self.This world can not survive with the have and have not`s If bitternes is all we Have. intelligance, thought , is sometimes broding by yourself.

If I only had more than grade 7,what trouble could I get in !
The thought that gets me most is, that there is someone in the back room laughing at me when they get a side view and notice my belly sticks out further than anything else!
Allen Schumacher

You do know what short arm inspection is ?. I was in the reserve and that cause me not to fret in a group of guys.You are the life of the party I bet. lol
Allen Schumacher

Well short arm inspection was done when the guys were over seas lol.I remeber my pay number still
. As much as we would like to think we have control of our lives we don`t,choose wisely and hope for the best.Arts turn
this is way to much fun!
Home of the Plow Special (Aaytay)

Scotch ! Burbon is for the rich . some like Beer also,Now If some one was to ask any Cub Cadet related issue , I would much rather that. but never shy away. carry on .Later Don T
Hmmmmm let's see.............Spreading my brains out over three state, <u>OR</u> someone MAYBE brushing against my "Junk"????? I vote for the "Junk" touching. All these a--holes that want to slow down the security process are only hurting other passengers.

A old guy told me once a l-o-n-g time ago Americian's freedome is what will ruin America.
Can't stand it guys;I normally keep my opinions to my self,but...we're being forced to comply with a mandate because of the actions of a group of people who don't give a crap about human life;theirs or ours! So instead of inconviencing us to the point Americans stop using commercial air travel as a means of trasnportation,which will further drive this country into our progressive recession,let's go to the root of the problem and hurry the bastards to the gates of hell,so we can get on with our lives and enjoy our remaining days on earth,however few they may be!
Excuse my hostility,but I'm fed up with what we have to "tolerate" to be a part of society,and tired of our governments lack of commitment to protecting those who empower "them"!

Wish I had a soapbox;I could rant for hours!
Bobby B.
Happy Thanksgiving!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

Abraham Lincoln.

These are dangerous times we live in.
1. All this freakin fuss over nothing! Back in the late 70's thru today, eastern block countries as well most of the rest of the world has had MORE security than we have now or probably ever will have.

2.Pucker your A$$ and deal with it. It's a fact of life from now on out.

2. I was NOT in the Air Force!!!!!
I spent 17 years in the Air National Guard as a Hornet jockey.}
C'mon Digger, you don't have to sound THAT insulted about the AF reference! One of the nicest guys I know spent a good chunk of his life in the AF!

Oh, oh... my parts from CCS may have just become more expensive!
Well I'll take a turn on the soapbox. I travel each & every day, a lot of air travel! Sometimes I'm in 3 cities a week. While most of us realize the TSA is trying to protect you / us, there is no "maybe" to touching "your junk"! It's like they handle "it" as much as I do, front and rear!.! And for what? Have they captured anyone? I know, I know - it's a deterrent.. The vast majority of the public tolerates it to keep us all safe. But after awhile it becomes to much. I am NOT going to hamper the TSA and ask for a patdown, I prefer the scanner to them touching me, having some stranger poking and prodding, and that's what they do!, is becoming a bit much and when I can, I drive to my destinations to get away from the airports and the hassles. Thanks for letting me vent, hope you can see the other side and have at least some sympathy for those that need to fly everyday. And, enjoy that fine dinner today! Happy Thanksgiving to ALL>
Charlie, Hornet jockey= pilot, ground support, sleeping in a rocket rack? I have noted over the years the words 'Hornet jockey' and always curious whether you flew them or towed them.
The scanners and the pat downs are in place as a deterrent. Not as a safty factor. The haven't caught anyone with a bomb. The latest threat we've seen is in shipping goods, not packing something in your under-ware. The TSA is too late on these so called security measures.

Scanning and pat downs are a form of privacy violation. People say "you don't have to fly". That seams weak to me. You down need to own a house, does that give anyone the right to search your house? You don't need to drive, does that give anyone the right to search your car.

If someone searches your car or house they need probable cause. The TSA says they don't need probable cause, they have the authority to search anyone they want. They also have the authority to tear up your ticket without giving you the benefit of being innocent, and forcing them to prove your guilt.

The TSA is taking away your rights and using the scare tactic of terrorism to justify their actions.

Its too bad so many people just follow as lemmings.