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My Rant - Airport Security

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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This is a tough area, but if the airlines would be reponsible for there own security, the best ones would survive. I think america has fallin fast in the last 20yrs. The "good" jobs are gone, larger companies have to have certin number of women and minorities, insted of hiring the best workers, we sold are soul to china. lots of people live on "plastic", people are lazy. you have to be poltically "correct". We have let the gov. in to our lives--once the door is open on ANY issue its hard to close. WE need to stand up for ourself's, and our country, I don't care about hurting O'mare ala-boggers feelings, if he fits the profile, he's getting checked, not grandma in the wheel chair.

O.K. this got me going.

about ten years ago, in the house behind us (are yards come together) moves in a white male and a mail-order bride, they make two kids. They soon get visas for her whole family "to care for the kids" NOW,we got ten people in a three bedroom rambler. They would do "things" to piss us off, like sit on the lot line and watch us when we had company over, the kids would throw small toys in the yard, pray to the elec. pole (it must face ala-booger land). Everything they do was "legal".

well, me, not being very smart could not figger this out.
BUT, I did, its passive aggessive behavior, they would push the "legal envople" untill YOU snap, do something dumb and YOU get hauled away. (thankfuly, no one did)

The way I see it, these PEOPLE are doing the same thing. Putting "fake bombs" in there suitcases, talking in the planes, ETC. All "legal", BUT, if you offend them they come after you, or cry foul, like the 3 E'mom ala-can-a-boogers did, sueing north west airlines for a "undisclosed" amount. like someone else said here, they are going to destroy "US" from with-in are own country, using "our own laws", IF WE DON'T DO SOMETHING. welcome to ala-booger-booger land, and it will happen QUICK

I just got through editing 3 post.

We're getting way past the topic issue and leaning more towards mass political tendencies of others that do not belong on this forum.

So, that being said. Voice your opinions and thoughts on the security thingy/issue and LEAVE direct political/ethnic slurs and or ramblings out of your post.

Like the 73 year old gal at Mickey D's says all the time.

Thanks and come again!
I have not been keeping up with this issue but correct me if I am wrong,
you only get pat down if you resist the fullbody scan?
Or are some of the air ports with out body scan technology.
I was on an airplane via the "main" (International) airport in Mpls/St. Paul 20 days ago. The TSA's website says they have "full-body-scanners" at this airport, but as far as I was concerned it was business as usual...

Pop your shoes off, put your bag on the conveyor-rollers, and walk through the metal-detectors when your turn comes up. Maybe it's only "certain" gates or flights?

Yes, not all airports have the scanners and when it's very busy, it seems they do "pat downs" to move the process along, get more people through.
Here is some interesting reading, for those who care.
Click the link below and scroll down to the "2010 screening procedures" section.


One of the articles that I heard about on the radio today caught my attention.

Here is a brief summary.

"Breast-feeding passenger claims she was harassed by TSA for not wanting her pumped milk passed through X-ray machine"

Further down the article is says:

"Ms Armato, who is a lawyer, had been through Phoenix airport multiple times in the past and had previously filed a complaint about the TSA staff's handling of her breast milk.

Because of this, she had printed out the rules from the TSA website and intended to show it to the agents when she was once again asked to go through additional screening when she requested her pumped breast milk not be passed through the X-ray machines.

In an ordeal that last over an hour, Ms Armato claims she was harassed and intentionally made to wait while she watched other passengers go through security to board her intended flight."

Now, one might argue that you should put up or shut up. You could also say this lady is a trouble maker. But, isn't the whole point of these procedures to stop someone from taking down a plane? The TSA obviously believes following the rules are more important. From their perspective you have to prove to them that you are legal to fly. They don't have to prove anything to you. They have the power to stop you from making your flight, without any repercussions. Those TSA agents should be fired for not doing their job. This incident was all about power and nothing about security.

Very frustrating to watch.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1334228/Breast-feeding-passenger-claims-harassed-TSA-wanting-pumped-milk-passed-X-ray-machine.html#ixzz16yB0nVGk
Kinda along the same lines. I'm a diabetic on insulin. My doctor told me to not put my meter or insulin through the x-ray machines at the airports, but rather, ask that it be hand inspected. Now, that's a joke! EVERY airport I go through waits 'til I've gone through the scanner and then passes my meter and insulin through the x-ray machine. I got so mad the second time it happened, I asked for the guys name so I could report it to my wife. He asked "Why your wife?" I said I'm gonna say it was you who killed me! He didn't care, none of them do!
I just flew home for winter break from FL a couple of days ago, Orlando to O'Hare. I don't see what the big deal is...Orlando had the scanners, but it seemed like the only people that were going through them were people that set off the metal detector. I didn't have to do anything differently than any other time I've flown in the past 4 years.
I flew to Buffalo 2 weeks ago and it was the easiest it's been in weeks! I guess all our B_ _chin' has done some good after all!