I'm due to pick up a belt for the qa42a snow thrower soon, thanks to
kmcconaughey, I have a part number. When I do, I'll update this post . . . but in the meantime I can give an update. This summer I was working on adapting my craftsman bucket to my 782. The issue was I bent the old fabricated frame for the bucket - it was a hambone job anyway.
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I hadn't yet made a mount for my 42 inch plow (off a suburban I believe). So I decided to make a frame that would handle both. A word about the craftsman bucket. . . the bucket has an inherent design flaw with the latch. The old latch position is on that top cross bar between the bucket and the tractor. The old rusted weld still shows where it was cut off. The issue is that it would only latch when it was in a certain position, which made no sense at all. After moving the latch from the top and attaching it to an arm welded to the bottom brace, it fixed the issue and it's a pretty good bucket. The reason the old bucket frame failed was I used 1/4" material (it may have even been 3/16) where I should have used 3/8". Additionally, this frame attached to the front only where I have seen frames for pushing implements connect underneath to the middle of the tractor. My new frame is modeled after this design. Here's the plow which will attach to the same frame:
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To start, I tac welded 3/8 material and bent them symmetrically on a 20 ton press.
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This picture shows how the frame shape after a bit of welding
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I didn't make the wings at the back long enough to catch the back mount. The frame weighs around 20lbs so it was too much of a pain to mount with short wings, so I lengthened the top wings . . .
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Now it is simple to install - the wings catch the back bar and the spring loaded latch catches the front bar on the frame. I needed to ream the rear holes so it would catch all the way in with no play. Now on with the bucket. The bucket or plow mounts with a beefy solid dowel through some steel pipe cut to 1" sections and welded to the frame. I had to pay close attention to the steel pulling too much. This is how the bucket lines up, the second picture shows a good side view of the latch modification. Since I cut away the old frame supporting the dump lever, it was left hanging (literally). I fabricated a smaller frame which attaches nicely to the front of the tractor. I imagine this might be different in the future - either an acme screw or hydro - difficult to find the duel action valves though
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And finally the lift rod attaches to the right lift arm on the tractor. In the near future, I will make this rod more adjustable so it also fits the plow. But this is the way it looks at the moment
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I'm happy with the way it came out except for the slight racking on the craftsman frame because the lift rod mounts to the right side of the frame. I plan to revisit and fix that issue, but for now it's finished, and it works great! Here's an updated picture. I will update with a plow picture when the plow is complete
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