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Marlin H taken to Hospital via Ambulance sunday Aug. 5th

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marlin we are praying for you ...get well soon
Thanks to all the guys who have left their words and thoughts and concern!! I know when marlin reads this, he will be humbled..

we go to the Dr. this afternoon..(monday aug 6th)

lol..thats OK on the garlic Kraig..that darn little ground squirrel anways huh?.. he really created havoc with your garden huh?

thanks everyone..
Kraig, DOH!
Cathleen and Marlin .... Don't totally reject the Vertigo diagnosis. In 2006 I had the first (and only) full session of vertigo. I was actually off work a month, rehabilitating and I had all of the symptoms you describe (and my age is , well, similar to Marlin's, I believe). The problems was that the cause of the vertigo was a cold virus getting into one of my inner ears , and actually affecting the structure of the bones (stirrup, anvil) that the nerve pathways to the brain start from) this causes an imbalance in the arrival times of signals to the brain, making your brain think your moving (turning ) when you are not. If he had nystagmus (rapid sideways eye movement), over and over, it's almost a positive sign of vertigo. Note that most of the other symptoms you describe could be attributed to the flu and anxiety in us "more mature" guys can push blood pressure and heart beat up like a rocket. Whatever the cause, wishing Marlin well and you a big "attagirl" for taking such good care of him - he's verrrry lucky..
OHmigosh!!! A BIG and HEARTY THANK YOU to everyone for al lthe thoughts and prayers. I don't rate such a thing however I am so humbled. I'll let Angel explain what Dr. McHose came up with yesterday. Yes... I'm headed for work in a little bit. I can't let them get used to not having me there to keep the group lively. One thing I've realized and fulfilled is something on my "Bucket List of things I've never wanted to actually do." That is a ride in an ambulance. NO fun whatsoever. Once they get you into that thing they aren't letting you out.

Off to work... Everyone take care and again Thank You and have a safe and wonderful day...
Good Morning. It's good to see my guy back on the boards, ey? The Dr. wasn't sure what happened, but he did rule out vertigo, good thing as I know that can be awful,as you related Gerry I.!!! so sorry you had to go through that!! Dr. thought it might have been that he took a pill he doesn't usually take to try to ease the pain in his feeties that night, or it was just a fluke and brought on by anxiety piling up? In any case, his heart is fine!! His blood pressure was good. He did prescribe some new meds to hopefully help ease the pain and discomfort in his lower legs and feeties. He's to start out on one a day and work up to 3 a day over three weeks.Doc isn't sure if he has peripheral neuropathy(not spelled right I'm sure )or restless leg syndrome, but he's thinking its the first diagnosis, but they are very similar. He's to go back to Doc in 6 weeks. I was fuming about the ER Dr, and Doc just sat and snickered under his breath. The ER dr was from a clinic group and really they dont have a good reputation and that is why we travel 60 miles one way to see our doc and I said he was awful they all are are idiots and our doc said, " you think?" and smiled.. hahaha. Well, good to know it wasn't his heart or vertigo.

Then on the way down, we were about there and the 4x4 started to NOT shift right. Oh CRAP. We managed to the doc office and we called our mechanic back home, got the answering machine. We called again when we got out of the appt. and he said take it to a mechanic there in town but he thought it was just low on transmission fluid and would be ok to drive home and Marlin had looked at it and it didnt seem to be leaking anywhere and it was low on fluid. So doc lead us to a place and they checked it and it was 2 quarts low. THANK GOODNESS that was what it was. I'll tell you with all the stress we have had the past week, and then that happening I was about to lose it. I thought, ok, now we are stranged 60 miles from home..are we going to have be towed all the way back? can it be fixed? how much it this gonna cost? holy geez louise!! an easy fix anyways. I was never to glad to get home again..Marlin too. nothing like an eventful trip to get my blood pressure up..haha.

Thanks to you guys who gave me some ataboys for taking care of my guy. I really appreciate that.!! That's what I'm here for and Marlin is always thinking first about myself and the kitties.

He was so humbled that so many of his cubby guys responded to my post..he said he didnt deserve the attention..I said YES YOU Do..you're a great guy and he said no, I'm just a piss ant. Well now, I can't argue with that. hehehe..once I called him that in front of a nurse at the dr.s office and she about freaked..to funny. I call him that in front of the doc at times, and he just laughs, says I'm the only one that can get away with that...true. Its just a joke..OR is it? lol

thanks guys..!!

hugs Angel and the kitties
Cathleen: Thanks for starting a new post, I haven't been keeping up on the "Kitty Front." I hope Marlin gets to feeling better. It is no fun being ill, especially when you're not sure what ails you.

Your description of the trip to the doctor's office was priceless. I've never met either you or Marlin, but I can just picture a middle-aged woman in a high state of anxiety waiting for the mechanic to check out the transmission in the truck. You will probably tell the story to gales of laughter in years to come.

I can see it now, Marlin tells you he needs to go to the ER, and you ask him when he last checked the transmission fluid, the engine oil, the brake fluid, the water level in the battery, the linings on the brakes . . ..

Seriously, having made a few of these trips myself (I was the one who was sick), it is hard not to think about how much its costing, if the people know what they're doing --and are they paying attention-- your job is to stay calm and come up with ways to ask the right question, in the right way, to get the attention your man needs.

My wife is a nurse, she amazes me at how she "keeps it together" at such moments. She knows who is doing their job and who isn't, and she knows how to get them to "pay attention." She gets the most out of the system.

I could tell you stories, but this is your post.

Never be afraid to say, at any moment, "Let's pray." I've never heard anyone refuse, and many times, it is the person praying that needs the help, even though the prayer is for others. Praying helps me get past my anxieties.

In the words of Red Skelton: God Bless!
Jeremiah..I got a good laugh out of your post. You know I appeared calm on the exterior but inside I was screaming..from the start of our trip all the way down and I was praying silently all the way home and watching the RPM's...hehehe. I had to stay calm for Marlin, for it I blew a gasket, that would just upset him and then he would have to calm me down
. At least our little " INCIDENT" didnt make his blood pressure go up..a true test, huh? lol. I was sure paying attention when we went to the garage though.!! and I was in a state of panic but no one would have known. I was thinking we should take the van, but it was suppose to be on the warmer side and the van doesnt have AC..but it all turned out ok in the end. I had to laugh about your words on if he has to go to ER again, making sure he's checked everything if I have to take him. Hell, I'll drive my van..NOT the 4x4.!! giggles.

You know I was calm when Stinker got sick and passed ( but have fallen apart since then)
I was calm when all heck broke loose with Marlin early sunday morning and yesterday, well, I wasn't calm but seemed so on the exterior..so I do know how to appear so, to help Marlin out, but this morning, I felt like I'd been through the old fashion wringer on a washing machine. I did get a couple of fingers to manage through one years ago and geez, that hurt like heck, so lets just say my body hurts this morning.!!

I have some medical background too. My mom was ill for years, so I kept up with her medical, and I was trained in home health care, so I do know all the right questions and answers..haha. So I knew all they were doing to him and when they were doing stats, I knew what was what, and inserting info that they needed. First time I've had to stay on the line with 911 though, that was an experience, and I've been transported by ambulance and I'm still laughing over Marlin moaning and complaining that it was such a lousy ride.! he said geez, once they have you in there, they aren't gonna let you out..hahaha. Our doc got a good laugh out of that one yesterday. He had a student doctor with him and she really had an experience with us. We aren't the normal patients he see.s I've been going to doc for 26 years and he's more like a friend that a doc/ and we kid around and I give him grief and he throws it right back at me.. she seemed to enjoy her time with us..that's what counts. I'm sure she won't forget us..hahaha.

have a good one..think I'll lay down and rest. Been up since 2:30 and I could use a little nap.

take care.. Angel
I'm just catching up on my reading, Praying Marlin is feeling better.
Marlin, Angel, & the kitties- I hope all is well.. I guess this shows just how long its been since I've had time to even "pop in" and look around, eh? The sad part is, school hasn't even started yet.
I do honestly believe my heart stopped when I read the title of the thread.. I like to think of Marlin- and many of the guys on here -as friends, and so, with that said, I'm gonna sign off.. You guys are in my prayers, take care.
Hi Melody and Charles K..thanks for thinking of Marlin. He's doing much better.! it wasn't his heart.!! He's on meds for his leg/feet pain and that seems to be helping. He's trying to not take the pain medicine though..trying to do without, as that seems to be helping..the less drugs he can take the better. It seems that all drugs react poorly with him....I'm sure he'll be glad to see you two checking in ahd thinking of him..

take care..
Angel and the kitties
Marlin--I was saddened to read about your trip to the hospital but encouraged to read about the positive diagnosis. You have been a help to me with my hydro tractor questions and always so kind to new forum members. Every time I see your kitty emoticon, it makes me smile. I'll add you to my prayer list, praying that you get back to full force soon.

Cathleen--Thank you for your care and watch over this great guy...you are an angel. Make sure that he follows the docs orders for a full recovery. Thank you for keeping us informed.