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Jeremiah - ya better "un-draw" that line and give it a try. When I was a kid in South Dakota, I used to go hunting for pop bottles. I got 2cents a piece for them, and would head straight for Bartlett's Feed and Seed store. They had one of those Coca-Cola machines with the door you couldn't open until you dropped a nickel in and pushed the lever down and up. (it was the only place in town you could get a Coke for 5cents, all the rest were 10cents). I used to get my 6oz bottle and take a couple swigs, then head to the peanut machine, and for a penny I could get a small hand full of peanuts to drop in my Coca-Cola. Something about the salt on the peanuts mixing with the Coke that makes it terrific. I still do it today. You just gotta try it!!!
Harry: On your recommendation, I will try to screw my courage up and give the peanuts & Coke a try, now if I can just find one of those 5-cent Coke machines!

I remember one as you describe, it was "fat" and I don't think you could see the bottle until it was dispensed, and it ONLY dispensed Coca-Cola. The gas station replaced the nickel machine with one that cost a dime, and the bottles sat in cold water. You had to fish the top of the bottle out through the rails that retained it --kind of tough on the fingers, but you could see what was in the machine easily enough and it held any bottle that would fit.
Jeremiah - courage, courage, COURAGE!!!!!! I know you got it.
The 5cent coke machine I was refering to had a little door on the front (about the size of a 6pack) and you couldn't open the door until you dropped a nickel in and twisted that cast handle on the front. The door was about at eye level (at least when I was a kid). I think lifting the door rotated the bottle belt (whatever it was) inside. That was fun - and I gotta say, I always thought the Coke in the 6oz bottles was stronger than the Coke in the 10oz bottles.
Jeremiah - did you try the peanuts and Coke yet? I don't know how good IH's peanuts are but I can tell you salted Planters with Coke seem the best to me.
Hydro Harry:
Which Coke Machine are you talking about:


Coke Machine Door operated

Coke Machine Lever operated
Frank - you got me confused. I'm pretty certain the bottle rotated as you lifted the door. And the bottle was laying on it's side. But the machine in top pic looks like a newer version. Am I must be wrong about the cast handle? I thought you had to drop the nickel in, rotated the handle, and then you could lift the door. Otherwise the door wouldn't open.
Harry, I remember the one with a cast handle, you had to rotate it around 360 degrees if I remember correctly. Don't remember where the drink was or how we got to it but it did only have Cokes.

Jeremiah, the drink machines with the rails had one fault, you could lift the lid (you only had to pay to remove it for those who have never seen one), and if you had a straw and a bottle opener you could drink it as it sat on the rails. This of course could only be done when no one was around and we always got the last one so no one would have to pay for an empty. You do need to try salted peanuts in a dope (guess that name came from the cocaine in the Coke name).
Both the Pictured coke machines had Rotating Drums. The picture of the following is the lever operated machine.

On this machine if the door closed before you pulled the bottle out you could still open the door and get the drink.
On the door operated machine if the door were to closed before you pulled the bottle out then you are out of luck.
Frank - well I guess it must have been the door operated machine. We always worried that it might be empty but you couldn't tell until you dropped your nickel in and were able to lift the door.
Thanks for posting the pics. Are those machines in your basement?
Jeremiah: Here is a chest coke machine with rails. They had the coldest drinks. They stop using them because of Health reasons. because the water in the machine was not change regulary.

Here is a picture of the Vendor Coke Machine Door
Hydro Harry: I wish I had them. They are worth alot of $$$. I got the pictures when I did a Web search of picture of old "Coke Machines"
Ok here is a jump start to get us back on topic


Charlie - we are on topic. We're trying to figure out if Irma Harding (IH) peanuts are really good when mixed in a 6oz bottle of Coke. Frank found the Coke. Now we're just waiting on Jeremiah to put the 2 together and try it. He also needs to try it with Planters to determine if the IH peanuts are the same.
So I hope I don't get in trouble for this, but I saw cans of Irma Harding (IH) peanuts at TSC the other day. Maybe that was in an earlier thread and just didn't see it.