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IH collectables

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Thay're out there, have to have a trained eye and a ear to the rail.
So last night on American Pickers Mike and Frank find the "Smokin'", "Unique", "Holy Grail", etc.,etc.. of Harley Davidson stuff.
So then what is this? The holy grail of International Harvester stuff?? From <u>MY</u> personal collection.

IH board game

I hate to admit it but I got this off greed bay.. but I like it and we had fun playing it tonight,,,






That is too cool. I never imagined IH to have a board game as well but they had so many angles and ways to advertise I'm not the least bit surprised.

Now I'm wondering if Tom has this one or not.
Wow I just looked through this thread and yall have some cool IH collectables! Tom's pic of the IH locomotive just gave me a great idea for my dormant HO scale layout project... Does anyone have any more pictures of IH locomotives or rolling stock?
Thats cool, a Baldwin 0-4-0 saddletank industrial switcher ordered for their foundry yard, I believe. I read that IH ran a short line somewhere, too.
A couple of Items I have.

This Zippo Lighter is over 60 years old

This is the front side. Cyrus Hall McCormick is at the top. 1809/1884 to the left. Inventor of the Reaper is to right.

Back side.International Harvestor Company is at the top. Centennial of the Reaper 1831/1931 is at the bottom. This 3 3/4" size
Since we're posting trains LOL

Let's not forget the locomotive over at the Stephenson County fairgrounds...
Met with the guy I bought my 129 from (back in '85) at a retiree's coffee the other morning. He's still got the diecast of the 129 that he got when he bought it new in '74. Sez it sit's by his PC (with blade and trailer..) Won't part with it .... (and he owns green now..) Rats!!!!!
I know what I think: Pics are good - this thread is worthless without more info! WTF (besides a .30 cal M-1) you got there?
But one with International Harvester stamped onto it? Special edition for shooting rodents from the tractor? Still

Oh, I was thinking more M1 Carbine. But still ...

Aw, Heck, while I'm here, anyway --- in 2000 I worked the Census, had a couple bucks in my pocket (due mostly to mileage reimbursement - my area was 90 miles west of here where there's next to no people but quite a few camps and part time residences - and a maple sugar camp). Took Mom to an eye doctor appointment and while I was waiting went to a nearby pawnshop and bought an M1 carbine in .22 cal. It was a fun little rifle and I gave it to a friends young daughter who is being raised in my opinion of the "right way" when it comes to guns. Haven't got into the "bible" part of her upbringing.