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Garden 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Green beans are ready and very plentiful heres a few
Harvested the garlic last night. Bumper crop this year, nice big bulbs only a few small ones. Best average size I think I've ever grown. By the time I finished digging them up last night it was getting to dark for photos so I snapped some this morning.







The blue berries are ripening nicely as well.
I had to fight off a Cardinal this morning to get a few to bring to work for a snack. I hope there's some left when I get home today...

Kraig, NICE!

I'm done work early today, might have to stop by and get some Blueberries - we can blame it on the Cardinals. And if any Garlic is missing it can also be blamed on the Cardinals, or maybe the Robins....

That is some beautiful garlic but wht so much? Are you Irish-Italian? I have the same problem with blackberries and cardinals. They always win.
Wayne, no Italian, just Irish, English, Scottish and a little bit of Dutch. I really like garlic! The biggest and best bulbs get separated into individual cloves and planted for the next year so I always grow enough to replant. Also I give a bunch away to family and friends.
Kraig are there holes in the bottom of the garlic tables to help with drying?
Jeff, yes. Those are drying racks that I built. Just a 2x4 frame with 1/2" x 1/2" hardware cloth (though it could be 3/8" x 3/8" I forget which size I used) stapled to the bottom. You can see the hardware cloth in this closeup. I set the racks out during the day unless rain is in the forecast and put them in the shed at night to keep the dew off. Takes about 2 weeks or so to cure them. Once they are cured I cut the roots and tops off.

EDIT: The hardware cloth is 1/4" x 1/4". Vince didn't get to the garlic, blue berries or the SO76. I picked about a pint of blue berries when I got home this evening. Plenty more that need a little more time.

Nice Garlic crop Craig. I have lost about 50% of my garden to the heat and dry weather. But i have got the cub cadets ready to garden this fall and next year.
Lesson: never give up! About 10 years ago I planted three english walnut trees. Finally the fruits of my labor.

Jerry, nice harvest! I bet you have to be quick to beat the squirrels.
I went out and picked what is probably some of the last of my tomatoes. The plants are getting pretty scraggly, and the recent heavy rain after several weeks of dry weather cause many of the skins to split, both on some of the ripe, and on many of the unripe plants. I plan to make some sauce out of them.


I have about a peck of tomatoes to process.


The vines are hanging on, but look pretty scraggly.
My garden is long gone except for sweet potatoes. I brushhoged the vines off this week and will harvest in a couple weeks. My kinebeck and pontiac potatoes didn"t do well at all. We are probally will get frost in a couple weeks.
We have had 5 frosty mornings so far. I dug the sweet potatoes today,and am totally disapointed in the size and shape. I gave most of them away to neighbors. They are so big and rough skinned they are hard to prepare. Some were over 12' around and 14 to 16 inches lond.
Well I got the garlic planted on Monday November 1st. This is the latest I've planted it. I hope it grows OK. I just wasn't able to get the garden prepared for it due to the weather and other factors. I planted a total of 385 cloves in three beds.

We have two tomato plants that did not produce any fruit during the regular season although they flowered nicely. All plants were of the same variety which are red plum. Well, in the last few weeks, they have taken off much to our amazement and will give us some harvest right into Dec. I brought them into the garage for the frost we will have for a few nights.

Richard T-

I have experienced the same with beautiful plants but very little fruit. I was told that the lack of pollination is one of the main reasons. Honey bees are becoming a thing of the past with viral problems and killer/Africanized bees. There are other reasons too. Growing tomatoes isn't what it use to be. Nice plants though...you can always have fried green tomatoes like we enjoy here in the south if the cold weather interferes with the ripening process.
Wayne and all a little update on the tomato plants. We have harvested 6 (relatively)large green tomato's for what Wayne said....... green fried maters' and also several small ones that were ripe. The plant continues to make fruit and as you can see in the picture there are some ripe one's ready to pick tonight to go on a salad.


If you look real close there is some yellow and white in the backround!