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Cool video for all

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Cool video Charlie!

I've always thought it to be so wrong for the blame to be shed on the returning Vietnam troops for what Washington did. Unfortunately, the ignorance and stupidity still exists.

On that thought, I was wondering if Charlie or Kraig could start a new topic where all the fine veterans could post their service history, so we could read about them.
They could list what branch, where they served, for how long, etc.
A military photo, if available, would be real nice too.

It would be nice to have it on the main topic page too.
I would hate for it to get lost/overlooked, like under the many Sandbox thread postings.

Any thoughts anyone?
Marty G.
From past experience, I kinda doubt we would get to many to do what you ask.
I know the older vets don't much care to (brag if you will) about the what's where's and who's of their past experiences.
But we'll see if anyone chimes in on the idea.

I know some people feel differently about being in the service.
I know a Viet-Nam veteran who has a hard time with it, and does not speak favorably about it.

They wouldn't have to give any details, just where they served, and when.

I have an utmost respect, and am very appreciative of every person who fought for this country and our freedom.

To me, they are not bragging.
We, as citizens would just like to thank them and honor them for their service to this country.

Kind of like the video you posted.
It's not that he has a hard time with it.
It's the fact that 99% of the time, a Nam vet starts talking and he gets that deer in the headlight look from anyone he tries to communicate with, BTDT way to many times.
After a while, it gets to the point that you say, what's the point!

It is what it is man! Nothing or no one is going to change it, so it's best to let sleepin dogs lie and continue on with our daily routine.

Believe it or not, there is a little animosity/tension between different war vets from time to time, even when the one's that have the most say not.

You can SEE AND FEEL IT, especially between a vet and a combat vet.

I better quit before I say to much, LOL
I remember a gentleman that I worked with was chastising me for not being drafted or enlisting. I told him that I was reclassified from 1A to 1H when my Dad passed suddenly. My Mom needed me on the farm since I was the oldest at home yet. After awhile he somewhat softened up and changed his thoughts. He said that while on R&R he met some fellow soldiers in a bar. They asked what he was doing while in Vietnam. He said Guard Duty at a Supply Base. They were on leave from combat duties. One of them called Tom a "House Kitten". As Charlie stated... "difference between a vet and a combat vet."

The very few Vietnam combat vets that actually opened up to me told me they didn't know why they were telling me what they were however they simply said they knew that I understood. I've never taken what they told me lightly.