I've recently joined the "Site" but I have a long history with International Harvester, and the Cub Cadets they produced, as well as the newer Cub Cadets produced by whoever is making them now??? I worked many years, in the IH Louisville Foundry, up till they closed. I've been buying, using, restoring, hording, Cadets since the late 60's / early 70's. I'm not really sure how many I have, but they range from "Pan seats" and detachable fender, narrow frames, cast iron grills, 7, 8, 10 12, 14, etc. singles, and twins up to 26 h.p. Kohlers, all the way up to my Wifes SLT1550, and the new Zero Turn, purchased last year. I have never thrown out anything that could be repaired (well maybe a rotten deckpan, or two) and I'm on a first name basis with the local dealerships. I'm getting to the point where I fix em when I have too, but I'll still drag one home if I run a crossed one for a good price, or free. Enough rambling for now. Tractor Bob's Two Mile Place, is my unofficial logo. Thanks for having me.