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Big Steve - Surgery

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2006
Steve Blunier "Mr. Plow" (Central IL)
Big Steve goes in tomorrow to have part of his right lung removed. The kidney cancer that required the removal of his right kidney early this year spread to a small spot on his lung.

Bad news is another major surgery.....

Good news is that the docs can't find any other spots that might even look to be cancerous......removing part of his lung should completely get rid of the cancer.

Just wanted to let you guys know what was going on, as many of you know about all of the trials he has been through this year.
Steve, please give my best wishes to Big Steve, I'll keep him in my prayers. Please keep us all posted as to his progress.
Steve: Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family. From all the Bailey households.
My thoughts and prayers are with Big Steve and your entire family as you all weather this storm.

The world needs more guys like "Big Steve".

Thanks for keeping us updated!
Steve...Pass on good wishes from me to "BIG" when you see him and hope all goes well...KURT
Steve, Big Steve will be in the thoughts and prayers of all the Ericksons. I heard he likes my Grandma's Christmas cookies. I'll ask her to make him his own plate. Take care.
Steve thanks for the help you have given me in the past.
Our family will remember your Dad in our prayers and hope that all goes well for him.
Steve- We'll keep Big Steve in our thoughts and prayers.
Steve. Our prayers for big Steve and all of your family, I know its hard on all of you.
Best wishes to Big Steve as he works through his latest challenge. We'll keep him in our prayers.
My families thoughts and prayers are with all the Steves.

Steve B , my thoughts and prayers are with Big Steve. I fully understand what your whole family is going through. I have been down that road. A year and a half ago I had cancer in my neck. Luckily it was highly cureable. So hang in there and keep a smile on your face.
<font size="+1">Steve, please give my best wishes to Big Steve, hope everything works out and I'll keep him in my prayers. Please keep me p</font>osted as to his progress.
<font size="+2">Big Steve Update</font>

Big Steve has a very successful surgery this morning. They found the cancerous spot on the bottom of his right lung and removed it and a small portion of the lung without incident. Surgeon made the comment "it's the best possible outcome, short of not having any reason to do surgery". We are very optimistic that this is Big Steve's final bout with renal cancer, but he will be very closely monitored for the next 3-5 years to make sure of it.

He is recovering and there was not a need to place him in intensive care, he went straight to a hospital room. He is in some pretty severe pain because they had to spread his ribs and cut several muscles to get to his lung, but we are hopefull that within a day or two, with strong pain medication, that he will be feeling better.

I told him about this thread last night, and he read through it before he went in this AM. He really appreciated reading all of your notes and wanted me to thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.

If all goes well he should be out of the hospital on, or before, Wednesday.
<font size="+2">Sa-Weet!</font>
May the force be with you during your recovery, Big Steve.
Steve, thanks for the update, great to hear that it went well.
I glad all went well and hope Big Steve is doing fine. I came across this picture I took at RPRU 2004.

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