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Archive through September 28, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I think that DanHco uses a nylon washer on the hoods of his creations. This would help in vibration and to make the hood stay up half way at shows.

Right Bryan?

Matt Kenseth, the current leader in the Nascar Winston Cup Championship. (Not to mention that Matt is a curd herder, cheese head, chedder head and so on. :eek:p)

Carl...... gophers...... Bill Murray...... Caddyshack...... must I go on?

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on September 30, 2003)
Jonathan, I do believe that Dan uses fiber washers on the hood bolts. The hood will stay right where Dan puts it.
Here's some photos from the archives, just because I'm in a posting mood.


....It's just a Baby Ruth...See.....
FWIW, I also use nylon washers on the hood bolts of my cub and they work really well to keep vibration down and the hood stays exactly where you put it just like the picture shows. Interesting idea about the cork in the back. I still have a little of the remaining rubber strips on mine but they move around a lot with the vibration between the hood and the dash.

Thanks for all the feedback on the front bumpers, I'll try some heater hose next time I work on the cub. As for the 1x2/3, I've never seen anything to dampen the hood on the front of them but I'm certainly not the authority on the subject.

Steve S.
Kraig - Shouldn't that original ad have Art's picture on it and "Plow Special" to be politically correct for this board????
Woe be to us when we start holding up ANY member here as a symbol of political correctness...
"Here-ye, Here-ye...We will start out this week's meeting as we always do...hailing the <font color="0000ff">Plow Special</font>."







If anyone is looking for some cheap entertainment, I'm going to make one of those gopher bombs tonight ;-)
Travis, will you be showing it at PD6? I could sure use one to get rid of a "few" gophers around my place. I'd be interested in seeing how well your home made version works.
We're starting a collection for a co-worker here at work. His 3-4 year old Simplicity 18 HP lawn tractor has broken it's frame. ANY and ALL donated Cub Cadet parts would be appreciated to This Nice guy can build himself a REAL tractor. hehehehe. He's kinda in the same boat as the Guy a week ago on the YT JD board who's LT166 needs $3000 worth of hydro repairs and it's less than 5 yrs old. Sure makes a $500 35 yr old Cub Cadet look like a Great Buy doesn't it?!?!?
Travis, have you ever thought of using your torch to make a real cutaway view Original? :eek:)

Is it Nick Q. that has the Original rear end with the cutaway view and plexiglass rear cover?

The above has been editted per Charlie's post. :eek:)

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on September 30, 2003)
Hey Guys, my friends father has a 126 with a loose gear shifter, can anything be done to correct this? thank you
Right first name, wrong last name. Change the G to a Q. ;-)

(Message edited by Cproctor on September 30, 2003)