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Archive through September 21, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Norm B. Did you check and or repair/replace any worn linkage on the rest of your 682? (From the lever all the way back to the hydro,)
Hi everyone, I'm new here and I'm just on my way to pick-up my "new to me" 1250. Here are a couple of pictures. it also comes with a 44" deck that's hardly been used. The fellow who owned it is in his 80's now and was a mechanic for IH. It has a 1650 cab on it and the fellow insatalled turn signals, front and rear lighs and a windshield wiper. Oh, and it runs like a top. JohnW



Can anyone please tell me if the frame from a 126 and a 102 are the same?

John H. W., WELCOME!
Just a heads up, that cab is not a model 1650, it just has the decals from a 1650 Cub Cadet on it. The 1650 is a 16hp version of the 1250. In any case, nice find!
KENtucky, Paul A., the Original has seals on the inboard side of the axles, near where the axle shaft enters the transmission housing. The bushings have grease zerks. Even so, I would NOT use 90 wt oil in the transmission...
Hello Frank

There IS a 149 ... it's a bit far away (150 miles) but it's possible. That's one with full hydro, both for trans and lift, correct?

John B., yes, the 149 is a hydrostatic drive and should have hydraulic lift as standard.
Matt G , The 126 is a high tunnel vs the 102 is not , but aren't the two main frame rails the same ?? I am thinking about taking the loader off of my 126 and putting it on a 123 and i thought the frame rails were the same.
Darrell, yes the basic frame rails are the same. The 126 would also have front Quick Attach mounts where the 102 and 123 would not. The foot rest mounting brackets are different for the 126 as well. Actually the 102 would also have the high tunnel. The only models with the low tunnel would be the 70/100, the 71, 72 and the 73.
John B, Just my .02. I would stick with a yellow one with a Kohler. I personally like the zig-zags. Like maybe a 125.
Melody, very wise you are.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

I personally like the zig-zags. Like maybe a 125.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

having issue with my electric clutch on my 982.
after i mow for a while and shut the deck off, the clutch will not re-engage. is this an adjustment issue or does it need replaced?
thanks for any insight
When you figure out what is up with your clutch Michael, let me know. Mine does the same thing. It was suggested to me before by members here that know MUCH more than me it is likely the air gap setting on the clutch OR the field of the coil (I know I called this piece the wrong name), basically the back magnetic part of the clutch. Let me see if I can find a picture of it
. You can be like me in the meantime - start mowing and don't stop until the lawn is done!
that is the plan for now. lol!
if i make any headway i will be sure to post.
i have not done this as of yet. i was looking for someone with some experience with the issue first. thanks for the manual info and i will be trying this tonight and will post on the success of my efforts.
Mike H.
Check for cracks in the field coil while your looking at it. Also, check the wire going to it, to make sure it's not loose or partially worn through.
Then again, it wouldn't hurt to check and clean the connections on the back of the PTO switch. I have those dang things give me fits before as well.