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Archive through September 21, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
Halifax, PA
Bruce Carl
I'm looking for pto parts for a 122. I ned the pto clutch rods, turnbuckle, handle, spacer, spring, and latch. Parts 1 - 7 in the parts diagram.


<center><table border=1><tr><td>
122 pto
122 pto parts.pdf (26.3 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Bruce, I think I have those parts, at least most of them. I'll have a look tonight in my parts stash. I might not have part #5 as I believe the 1x4/5 series did not use it. Also part #7 is spot welded to the pedestal on the 1x4/5 series, (but that is easy to get off with a cold chisel, BTDT), the holes are still in the part however. The parts do interchange between the 1x2/3 and 1x4/5 series.
I am looking for a yellow super frame . Would like it to still have the dual brake peddles,and tunnel cover. Also looking for a 54 inch snow plow,dont need the hydrualics ,just the plow
Dont want to spend alot, this is for a project.
I live near erie PA , will travel 100-150 miles if price is right.

thanks joe

I could get by with swapping some parts from my 70 to the 122. The 70 has a loader on it so I don't need the pto release mechanism. But I will still need the handle (#4), as the 70 handle is different than the 122 due to the offset in the pedestal.


Bruce I Should have all those. I'm at fire house till tomorrow morning. I'm parting out a 122
Bruce, I do have all the parts except the spring. I sent an email with more detail.
Would anyone like to trade some narrow frame parts for some 782 parts?I would like to have a creeper,3pt hitch,spring assist and headlight panel for a 100 I have some 782 cub cadet parts that I need to move.

Did the 782 have dual hydro, if so do you have the valve, controls,and front hoses ?

thanks joe
Looking for a hydraulic valve mounting bracket for a CC 169. email if you have one or know of someone who might.
Lookin for some parts for my 982. Looking for a front grill shell in good shape with no breaks, welds, and all headlight tabs in place. Also lookin for a lower metal grill in good shape without breaks and with tabs in place. TIA. Email me with what ya have.
Later, Josh
I am looking for a set of front tires and rims for a CC 129 WF. I would like the wider ones if possible. To bad i sold a set day before i found this 129.

You can e-mail me at [email protected]
Looking for a steering wheel cap for a spirit of 76 cadet. IH part number 55152C1
I am looking for a deck cradle for a 106 PLEASE! Also, interested in a plow, wheel wights, and chains!

Located near Washington DC...

Need at least one"non-leaking check"valve for my 149. Will take two if the price is right.Never hurts to have a spare.
Price plus shipping to 36301.
Thanks to all!
I'm looking for a creeper box and super steer front axle conversion parts to install on a 126. I'm willing to buy outright or I have a 124 to trade. Thanks, Jerry.
Looking for a 42 " blade w/subframe for a 782 possible pickup next week in Montross Mn at the Fall Harvestor plow day