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Archive through September 20, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Dave K2, nice!

Todd H., good question. I've always heard that they were curved for clearance. Are you sure they are not hitting limiting lift height? Perhaps it's easier to mount with them curved. Not having either version to experiment with I can't say for sure. I only have narrow frame Cubs with QA42 snowthrowers.

OK, all of you out there with 82 series Cubs and QAxxA/B snowthrowers time to chime in.....

Ram the thrower into a hard packed drift until it "rides up"....I think you will find that the straight bars may contact the bottom of the fragile AL grill assembly just above the front corners of the frame. It might not do it under it's own weight, but may do it "in the field".

The also push the chute forward an inch or so for more hood clearance.
ART - Guy wasn't cocky..... just didn't know a set of Kohler Points, or condensor or coil is a universal part.....K-161,181,241,301,321,341 ALL the same.....I could have looked thru the two small shelves of parts He had faster than He looked thru the books/computer. Now if I wanted/needed a Polaris 4-wheeler part I bet He could have helped me.... I was actually surprised the Simplicity dealer took My out-of-state check! Forget the fact I grew up & lived 8-9 miles from town for 20-sumthing years.....
Kraig, need to be a pain. Would you have a picture of the carb side of a 149 motor? Minus air filter housing?????????
Speaking of air filters found another good number, CARQUEST--87373 $4.88 AT IH dealer
Question for the "experts"...

Original #5814 has the early style pedestal with no slot for adjusting the steering gear which I expected, but it also has what I'd consider a later front axle with the bolt-style spindle caps rather than the roll-pin-collar style. I thought they made the switch sometime around #11,XXX from the collar to the bolt-style. I know Willy D's M&W (#5836) has the collar style spindles (because it used to be at my house prior to the M&W.) so I'm thinking this one "should" as well.

Right? Experts chime in please....
I won't claim to be an expert but I'll chime in. Art perhaps both spindles were replaced after the change over.

Jerry, How about a photo of a K301 without the air filter housing? I don't have a K341 photo without the airfilter housing but with a carb. I got one without a carb, will that do? I should point out that it also has a rather large hole in the block due to the balance gears..... What exactly are you wanting to see?
Jerry, here's a photo of a 149 taken at an angle looking behind the air filter. Will this do?

Photo of Mike Fisher's 149 from his website

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on September 20, 2004)
Kraig, Thanks! Fast as always. Everything looks the same and I am out of parts. Oil and gas and turn key. Am trying to chase doun no power after turning key. Only lead is that amp gauge shows a discharge(slight). No power to switch on the footpedal???

Art, I have both spendel types on tractors in the 8000's. Sorry about no help on why. All of thease have seen a lot of wear & parts.
Ok questions for the masses.

1. What steering wheel center cap came factory on the 982? Got a PIC? The two 982's that I have one was missing and the other one had one like the older N/F tractors.

2. What IH decal was on the back center of the rear fenders? I know it was a 2" IH but was it outlined in white or did it have the silver outline?

3. I have seen 982's with 50" decks and 60" decks but has any one ever tryed to put a 44" deck under one of them.

4. Last question of the day. The hydraulic quick couplers (dual hydro outlets) for the cubs are made by Parker anybody have a part number (not cub but a parker number).

Dave K,
Very nice snag on the shop equipment..

Randy T,
The cap is the same one used on everything from 70/100,102 thru 147 and 1572,1772,1882 and 2072's.

Rear decal,

3. and 4 will have to bow out on, sorry
Kraig & Steve

Thanks for the comments on the blower for 682. I don't think it pushes up on the grill because I hit a rock last year that just about threw me over the hood. The chute is close but it's clear and can rotate all the way around. I'll have to look at a bit closer when I hook it up again. I'll get back to everyone as it gets colder and the snow gets ready to fly again. I'll post pics when I hook it up again.
Randy T. -

Looking at the pic, that is, of course, the <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> with the rounded corners on the inside of the H.
The Lake County (IL) Farm Heritage Festival this weekend is advertising "Weed Wacker Puller Races".

Anybody ever heard of this before? I assume you yank the motor out of your old weed wacker and put it in something like an old RC car chassis(?)

Is there a rule book for this kind of pulling? Google didnt turn up anything conclusive...

Anybody going to the show this weekend?
Randy T..
1.....The steering cap is a # 533742R1. Same one that IH used on the 154-185 Loboys,per FZG 11795. The 4-5-6-7-1282's use cap # 126300C1.

2......The rear IH decal (27770R1) is outlined in white, per the paint/decal location print covering the 82 series FZG 11795

3.....I don't believe a 44" deck would cover the wheel track of a 982. Might be some interference issues with the rear gauge wheels on the mower.

4.....I used Pioneer fittings on my aux hydraulics. They are compatible with the Dan H. pull type scraper....

(Message edited by kupdike on September 20, 2004)

(Message edited by kupdike on September 20, 2004)
I beleive i saw those before in a magazine (Toy Farmer?). I am pretty sure they were mounted on pedal tractors!! wowza!

They also had some 1/16 scale articulating 4wd tractors with Chrysler electric window motors on them and 12V lawn and garden batteries on them! wild things!!!
Randy T, The first 982 I had a few years back had a 44" deck ,seemed kinda silly to have that big a tractor and a liitle cutting width .I can`t remember what the guage wheel cleerance was but it had to be tight.

That looks pretty cool. Did the sled advanced like a full size one does or was it just pulling dead weight?
Got a question for the hydro gods... My 127 when driving or mowing want to creep faster ....and faster till your running full hydro where do I start tIA Rob