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Archive through September 12, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Wild Bill..
I know I learned my lesson the hard way with 'compatable' fluids... The TSC fluid along with the Fram POS filter wouldn't enable my 149 to move when it was cold. Hytran brand fluid helped that a lot, and a proper IH branded filter put it back to 100%. The non IH fluid aerates and foams too much... JMHO
Good Lord Charlie: I am glad I do not live around you. I know a couple of those would problay follow me home!!

Question: On my 1000 has anybody just taken the manual lift handle (not whole unit) off. Or do I just leave it intact and paint it silver in place?

I have a 149 that is "deckless". It didn't have (or the mule drive) when I bought it, but I didn't plan then to do any mowing. Now, I do.

What deck models work with a 149?

1450 runs like crap, but first: Charlie!!! Where was that auction of all the GT's??Was there a website? Me and my buddy saw the pics you posted and our jaws dropped.

The 1450:

This thng has been running "OK" all season, had a bout of stalling when hot, but cured that (I think, read on) with MMO and setting carb needles to factory. Since then, it would occasionally run rough under mowing load for first 5 min or so after starting, but then it would seem to "clear up". I ignored it.

It was running fine last Sat, hauling heavy garden carts of soil on flat ground. Sunday, I tried to mow the lawn, and it began running very rough, to the point of stalling, when I engaged the PTO and tried to move forward. It would run rough with the PTO engaged, but even worse under forward-movement load. Finally had to shut it down and push-mow the yard.

New points, new carb "kit", all electrical connections clean, big, fat spark, gas is running freely out of the float bowl when removed, points and plug gapped properly, carb needles set to factory settings, governor adjusted per service manual.

I have NOT replaced the coil or spark plug lead.

While trying to run at high throttle, it kind of smells rich, and sure enough, when I pulled the plug, it WAS sooty. It DOES IDLE FINE AND SMOOTH.

So that's it: It seems to start right away, but runs VERY rough at mid-to-high no-load rpm, and worse to stalling under load. Idles fine.

I've heard of issues with worn throttle shafts, but why could I run fine Sat and not on Sun?

Is this electrical (spark cutting out under load), or fuel-related?

Ted B.
I've posted it 3 times now, but I guess I better do it again, since ya can't read! LOL

Ted: Just a guess here but years ago when I owned a 1450 it started to do that I ended up replacing the valves. Especially the exhaust side! Also had a coil one time when it got warmed up it would break down!

Just life expeirences for me!

Al Smith:

Here is what was available for the 1x8/9 Series:

Opps.....the Archive Bug Strikes again..