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Archive through October 26, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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...I do like the 560 too, so many good looking tractors to chose from...... At least with Cub Cadets the choice is simple. :eek:)
Kraig- It is obvious after picking up the 105 from Art that you aren't talking about the seat in your post. . .
Wow, that 1206 is sharp, especially the wheatland. They'd look good as a Cub . . . . . oh yeah, got that covered
Ryan, I rather like the white vinyl covered fiberglass seat.

Ray, :eek:)
Ray -

So, you're not gonna answer the survey???
I'm referring to the Cub Cadet 125 in the photo not the operator of the 125 in the photo.......
Art- I guess so. 105 took a magical 1872SGT jumpstart <font size="-2">(and some gas in the tank)</font> What was your super secret method to get it started?

Have a set of 26x12-12 23° Firestones on rims being sent from NH this week for the 1872. Have to start getting ready for snow!

Kraig - They look nice, but I don't think they are very comfortable, the whole seat rattles. . .
You've got mail.

How much horse power do I need to pull a two row corn header and a two row planter?

If you pull the bowl off the bottom of the carb, you'll see the float flop down, but the needle valve wants to stick up inside. Loosen up that needle valve, pop the bowl back on and she'll run fine. As you can tell by the way the outside of the carb looks, it's in need of a rebuild.

'Course then again most of those 1X5 fanatics aren't known for engine cleanliness....

Getting ready to redo a 149 . Is the chrome hydro speed control handle the same for the 149 and the 125. They look the same but I don't know about the spline. Thanks Dave
Craig, there's an old turbo rusting away in a field above Pahokee Florida, along with a few other old Ih's.

Do you just want to pull those two around, or do you want to do something with them?

If you are looking to use the planter with a garden tractor, I would say 10-12.

If you are looking for a real tractor. I would say 25hp (Farmall H/M) or so with the picker using more with the PTO, weight of picker & a trail behind barge wagon.
My neighbor is selling his H. Guess I'll go over there and look at it. The gravity box I'm looking at would hold 200 bushels. (This is for a small hobby farm that I'm trying to talk my wife into.)
Bryan, thanks
Dennis, Steve B, If I had the place money or time I'd have a 1206, 5020, and a G1000 Vista. No cabs, Just my personal list.