Swapping a tranny from a 482 to a 782 would be one instance where going to the geardrive would be a step backwards. The 482 has the Peerless tranny that is beltdrive...think 1100...in '82 series sheetmetal.
Steve- I will be there unless you cancel on Thursday.
...little slow...
(Message edited by rmull on October 17, 2004)
Swapping a tranny from a 482 to a 782 would be one instance where going to the geardrive would be a step backwards. The 482 has the Peerless tranny that is beltdrive...think 1100...in '82 series sheetmetal.
Steve- I will be there unless you cancel on Thursday.

...little slow...
(Message edited by rmull on October 17, 2004)