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Archive through October 17, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Keyword search (AND) for "plow day rain date" turns up SB's post from July 27th...

By Steve Blunier "Mr. Plow" Central, IL (Sblunier) on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 09:42 pm: Edit


The 2004 Fall Plow Day will be held at the Blunier Farm in Roanoke, IL on one of the following dates....

Saturday Oct. 23rd.

Rain date:

Saturday Oct. 30th
I vote to hold PD rain or shine. If anything, it could be largest CC swap meet ever.

Art....just buy the 2+2 and scraper. If you level off that hilltop you have, you'll see that your yard is twice as big as it now......bigger yard = more cub time.....
Ken, except that for Art to level off his hilltop he'd have to level his house........
I use the NOAA website for weather forecasts.....It has proven to be the most reliable.

Use zip code 61561 for the plow day site.

All we can do is wait it out folks......seems like I always have to make a decision on Friday......(I won't be too quick to call it off though....it's been a dry summer, and the ground can probably take a lot of rain)
That 2+2 is bigger than my house!! Lori says "If you can make money with it bring it home."

Well we are looking at T minus 118 hours folks

I'm thinking I need to get loaded........

No need to start drinking this early in the day.....
I fixed the weather link on the PD page just for you Steve, It now links to NOAA.
Sorry about that.

I was meaning the moving van we rented here at work to move some equipment.

Man that International 444 was a d-a-w-g! I guess 106+ thousand miles of abusive renters has taken its toll. The only way that thing would get out of it own way was to the floor.

I'll be loading the trailer for PD on Wednesday night.
Anyone going to Plow Day who has room to bring a deck back down toward Central Florida, say to North Alabama for instance?
Dennis, can you make me a belly blade? I'm not choosy; I'll take wide frame or narrow!
Okay; quit teasing me with all these belly blade pictures and SELL me one!
JOHN - Since they bolt to the Mule Drive frame NF or WF doesn't make any difference.... but then I've never tried Mine on the 129..... and the 982 is 3-4 inches wider than the blade.
Hard part anymore is finding the used road grader cutting edges that aren't totally trashed. Mine has a bit of a bow to it, less than 1/4" and I parked the frt end of My F-150 on it and it didn't even budge. The pivot mechanism is just two plates of 1/4" thk. steel and a 3/4" x 6" Grd #5 bolt/nut. I remember sawing the broken end of the blade off with a hacksaw. Took Me about three blades and several hours! And I was using the GOOD blades from F&F at the time.
Local Twp. Road Commissioner...assuming that you live in a Twp. with enough tax$$$$ to BUY new cutting edges!!!!

Might also try to find a shop that replaces the cutting edges on large snow plows...they are heavy as hell, but usually not curved.
ART - Construction equip. dealer is another possibility, State DOT garage.... Construction company, Might even try the local scrap yard, or salvage equip. place.
Township I worked for in college replaced the cutting edges every two years and "Turned them upside-down" in the off-years and there was a waiting list for the "Worn Out" edges.
Don't know what you are trying to make, but if it's a "blade" for grading, you'll need to get a cutting edge from a roadgrader. The cutting edges from a dozer or snow blade are straight/flat. The cutting edges from most ground engaging pieces are made to be switched from side to side and upside down to get the maximum usage.
Thanks for the thoughts guys. I just got interested when I heard about used cutting edges. Lots of road construction on my commute to work each day, maybe I'll toss a six pack in the truck one day and have me a little chat with that grader driver I see each morning... ;-)

Since you have one for the back, I thought maybe you could use one for the front too...
Yea Denny - I tried doing my own business for a while, and other things. I do lurk from time to time.

Looking forward to see yall there. What time at the iron skillet? About 6 am?

At any rate - I think I will definitely do a grader. If I can pick up a used blade from any old brand X tractor, and cut it down short - like, will that fly for the cutting edge?

By the way, let me get a real big crowbar, or maybe even a port - a - power with a expander attachment, to open up my wallet enough for that there 2 + 2. Or maybe I could cash in all of my empty Hamm's cans! hehe