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Archive through October 15, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Dangit...I've been gone too long! Try this agin.

Nick Q., cool, I have not seen the Original Demo rear in person yet, I'll have to do a "walkaround" with the video camera.

Jerry B., I hope all the rain doesn't wash you off the top of the hill. Please send some of that rain to Wisconsin.

Wyatt, well said.

Travis, how old is Taylor?
kraig, you want some rain? we got rain been rainin since tuesday none stop,the winds been blowin up 45mph. the weather geussers say its gona continue thru the weekend sounds like most of the rivers are gona crest in the next 24-36 hours.

been slow at the shop so i'm makin some good progress on my 149 got most of the yellow parts painted, the trans and front axle are back in the frame, gona start workin on the white parts and hopefully get them painted today
the machine shop called and said the engine cyl will clean up at .010 so i'll be callin madson this am for some parts

anyone have a good source for titan tru powers ? local store wants $90 ea for them,
Glad to hear that you're going to make it! You'd be welcome to take a spin on the 1872 also. I'd offer up the Plow Special, but between a lack of trailer space, and not having enough time because of this house addition to get it prepared, it won't be making the trip.

To those who haven't already left, have a safe drive!
Doug, I'll have a load of
for sale at PD6, come on to Rockford, IA tomorrow!

That would be quite a drive for you woldn't it!

<font color="ff0000">Moderator's note: This looked a bit too much like an ad ! ! ! ! </font>
Ready to vist Iowa! I'm leaving at 5:00 today and I HOPE to get there by 11:00 or so.
Hope everyone has a fun & safe trip/time to-at-back from PD 6!

What in the he11 are you doing with a JD on that trailer? Have you completely lost it?

All at PD 6-

Keep safe and have loads of fun for me. Wish I could be there. The feeling of not being there is like missing the "family reunion". I just hate that feeling.
David Phelps,
Be glad you are in far far east Virgina. The second story of the motel I stayed at in Hatteras this spring is now at ground level with the first story flat! They say the clean up down there will last over a year. Kids going to school by "School (fishing)Boat" instead of School Bus. I'll put up with the snow and cold where I live anytime! Besides I get to go out and push that white stuff all winter long with my cub
I know, we've been here before and done this before, but has anybody had any experience with Sheaffer's brand (315) of Hytran?
Got a terrible, lonely feeling seein' all those guys goin to Iowa. Guess I gotta convince my lovely wife to get a trailer!