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Archive through October 15, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Lookin good for Saturday!

82 participants
65 Plowing
3 Selling
11 Spectators
23 John Deere tractors
101 Cub Cadet tractors
Unless something goes bust before Friday morning, I'm planning on coming up to see you about mid-day Friday.
Travis, did you see my post in the wanted section regarding a sleeve hitch adapter?
Keith, saweeeet.

Kraig, Mike M already responded. Thanks you though.

Art, nevermind ;-)
Wes H. The "Lets go Cubs" decal will stay on! I just crossed out the 3 in 2003 and added a 4. Like the cubbie fans say, just wait till next year!
Poor guys! Well, they did the best they have in many years.
I was looking forward to the Cubs in the World Series. Man, I would hate to be that spectator who caught that ball about now. Poor guy
Just let it go! Consider the source and go on down the road! That way if won't feed the ego of the person involved, Some folks thrive on that crap ya know!
And they keep on comin!
Just got word that Art is donating a set of Original headlights. Ummm, I wonder if they will include mounting brackets too, grin
Charlie, they'll include the brackets one way or another. We'll do it in two different prizes to make it interesting ;-)

Pssst. (Hey Art! Just send the lights my way).

Shhhh. No one will figure it out.
I sure wish we were going to be able to make it to IA this weekend, but we have been quite busy the last few weeks. Hope everyone has a great time and safe trip, and that the weather turns out good. Here are a few pics from the IH Plow Day last weekend. I did not get to take very many, and am just finally getting them posted, but I thought it would be a good time with everyone probably heading out tomarrow on there way to Plow Day 6. We ended up having about 40 Cub Cadets there to plow, and 40 Farmalls, and great weather.



I will be heading out friday at noon for plow day at travis's place , see you all there.
Well, I got this loaded up for my wife to drive. She's driving it to work in the morning and we'll caravan together up to Rockford when she gets thru for the day. Probably get to the pasture about 9:30 or 10 p.m. Friday night if we're lucky!

Aren't I a trusting & lucky guy to have her drive one rig for me?
Hello, I am a first time cub cadet owner, 127 good tin,runs strong, but i've had some problems(bearing on front pto, electrical,). I was wondering if any of you guys could help me on a tranny problem. Today I was in reverse and all of a sudden the tractor just stopped. I moved the F-R lever and nothing. The service manual doesnt seem to be much help.Any troubleshooting tips? possibly linkage?
John W.-Look for a broken roll pin in the driveshaft. The one toward the front by the engine is solid,not rolled,but check it too.
Charlie> did you ship the wheel weights or bring them to plow day? I can't recall,
See you there saturday.
Raffle wights are packed & ready to go! (proceeds are going to the Rockford fire department)

While I don't like getting on a soapbox, this is the least I can do. In Iowa, typically small-town fire departments are underfunded. Being that Rockford's not the Floyd county seat doesn't help things. One of the things that help small town fire drpartments are fundraising, more fundraising and the state of Iowa looks more favorably on grants and such for equipment, and this is no small task. Iowa, like most of the midwest deals with the antithesis of everything that's right with the midwest, manufacture of methamphetimine. This is so because of the quantities of anhydrous amonia which in the manufacture makes a more "pure" mix, and all sorts of characters are attempting to cash in on this. The byproducts are toxic, not rat poison toxic, I mean lethal. These small fire departments are one of the few tools available to the govermnent to fight and help clean up the area. Having said that, there's no shame in not buying a raffle ticket, but support at least your local volunteer fire department, go to a chilli supper, a pancake breakfast, a fireman's ball, anything.

And for whatever it's worth, I'm buying raffle tickets as well, I'm not going to try to win back my own weights, but if I do win them back I'll give them to the youngest person plowing.