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Archive through October 14, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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if your engine stalls when hot, you have a exaust valve that is hanging up, also most likey your carb throttle shaft needs to be rebushed. as far as the spark, take off the points cover, run the engine, if it looks like the 4th of july, you need a coil, there should be almost no sparks coming from the points
Ha Ha you guys are hilarous!! No I haven't found a water pump for the Red O, probably like in the old days, carry a quart jar of water with me. When it gets too hot, stop and drink some water, take a leak, the plow til it heats up again.

Thanks for the nice comments on the tractor. I have another one to restore at a later date. This one took a lot of time and $$$, so have to wait a while. Actually it was worth it tho. As anyone who hase restored one knows, a lot of time and effort goes into cleaning rust off. Every bolt, washer, nut either wire brushed or replaced. This one had to have wheel bearins, clutch, and motor replaced. I haven't even looked at the mower deck.
Do I win the UGLY Cub contest for the month?? Bought the darn thing for the wheel weights and found a motor that was in good shape.
Now to see how it performs, Saturday.
matt hunt (Mahunt) -
the only reason why i do not think it is the exhaust is because the engine was hot tank cleaned and valves reseated when i bought it a year ago. but, i could be wrong and you are not the first to suggest it.
also, it only stalls when hot at full throttle and under a load. i can idle all day, or mow at half throttle all day, with out a stall.
no sparks from points. coil is new. carb is new.
plug gap.
i guess i will experiment with different gaps and different plugs.
Frank, I know this is a long shot, but at one time, I put a new carb on a k 321 kohler, like yours, it would idle all day but when you pulled it, she would stall, I replaced a lot of parts, before I decided to take out the high speed needle and lo and behold, there was a piece of either tape or shrink tubing covering up the fuel holes, stripped the crap off and she runs like a bear, just because it 1s new doesn`t mean it is right, good luck..........Lyle
Can someone tell me what the Delco-Remy condenser part number is for an Original? Not IH #, but D-C#. Can not find on the part itself. Made in USA
I know the book says .035 and .025 in other places. I have 5 running Cubs some at .025 and .030 and.035 it is just what ever it runs best at. Bosh plugs is what I use.
Question on one of my 1650s it does not smoke and fires right up. For some reason today I was grading the driveway and notice it started with a little knock. So I stopped and let set for 2 hours and started again no knock, 15 minutes at 1/2 throttle and started knocking again. Why is it doing this?
Good Morning Everyone.

Dennis F. Nope it's not a 140H1 or H3. However it is too good of a deal to pass up. Think two remotes and power steering. I pick it up this afternoon. I'm hoping that Art A. will want to trade even up his 140 H3 for this critter.

Now a little FYI.
The Original coating on the grille screens was not zinc. It was the same as the big tractor wheel rims and that is cadmium. Since cadmium is somewhat a no-no it is now acceptable to use zinc plating.
MARLIN - A 316 Kohler would be a close second place behind the 140, think they only had two remotes. I'd try to stay away from the Onan's, they're having a governor problem which my 982 has had for some time that costs about $400 for parts ALONE plus full engine disassembly to fix.

YEP, Cad plating is almost impossible to find anyone that will do it anymore. And the cost is really not worth it. There really wasn't an acceptable substitute for a long time. I have some old cad-plated hardware on stuff that still looks good after 30+ yrs.

The new RoHS compliant clear zinc plating is a MUCH better plating than the old clear or yellow zinc. And it's easy to find places that will do it. The salt-spray test standards for the old clear & yellow zinc was only sixteen hours and the new RoHS compliant is 96 hrs, but it is more of a bright, almost satin chrome finish than the cad plating was.

I know it's popular belief that the old FARMALL's had cad-plated rims, but I know for a fact the later tractors (1970's & later) had painted rims, and I've talked to several people at EWC and they say there's no record of EWC having in-house cad plating or ever subcontracting plating for IH rims. But I know what digging thru old purchasing or engineering records is like, the early FARMALL's may have had cad-plated rims but I have no idea at what point the plated rims would have switched to painted.