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Archive through October 11, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Does anybody got the part numbers fo a CC sleeve hitch (Complete wideframe)
do you guys know how to get the springs back on a 42 in plow without all the tension?
Charlie P. That looks to be one way cool cabin. Congratulations. BTW... that 123 that you sent me the info on... gentleman still has it. Original engine like you said. I may go look at it tomorrow night. And next weekend there is a 125 on an auction about 60 miles from here. So, Kraig M. Do you need another 125?
Does anybody know how to contact Scott Urschel at Cub Cadet Connection? I tried to email him and it bounced back.


Steve H.
Sorry Charlie, but I thought that was more of a question for information, not so much a wanted ad... Glen
thx charlie that worked and now i got finally got 2 attachments restored
Is there any way to put a rear PTO on a wideframe, Duh... not the garbox option, I mean the real deal, like on a bigger IH farm tractor, you know, like a half U joint, or a splined shaft? I've seen em on OCC's before... I'd love to ditch the belly mower and use a little bushhog to mow my hills, the mower deck "scalps" when fully up at the peak of the hill, and I dont think that the bushhog would...Suggestions anyone, or am I the craziest one on the forum so far...
Glen C.
If your talking about adding one to your 149, the answer would be no.
You gotta have a gear drive tractor.
And even then you would have to put a reverser on it as Cubs turn backwords to the rest of the world.

Are the PTO clutches of the earlier IH cub cadets interchangeable with other earlier models of IH cub cadets? (putting a PTO clutch from an orginal on a 149)

Can you interchage the transmission clutches as well?

If not what models share the same clutches?

Over the years we have used a variety of techniques for enhancing the snow removal powers of my 102. Normally some tire chains and my overfed keester in the seat is adequate for up to 10 inches or so of the white stuff.

During blizzard duty we have gotten extra traction by piggybacking another family member on the driver, and have also strapped a pair of Cummins engine flywheels to the back.

I do know that the clutch on my 102 and my 129 are identical, the important thing is the diameter of the crankshaft. Later models started to use electric clutches, but they would need some type of anti-rotation bracket to hold the coil section in place. All of the 10-12hp Cubs used a 1 inch diameter 3 inch long crankshaft on the PTO end. Not sure about the bigger guys, I had a K321 out of a Ford tractor that I had hopes of using to repower my 129, but among other problems, it used a crank that was 1 1/8 in diameter and 3 1/2 inches long. I ended up trading the motor for a K241 that I stole the cam from, and may eventually rebuild.
Me thinks he has been nipping to much of his brew, look at the rear tires, theys on backwards.