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Archive through October 10, 2014

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
Amy J. Kleyla
I was lucky Harry ? Geesh an I thought I was kinda doing what any other redneck professional would have done. Maybe next time Ill use some ducttape or a hammer....LOL

Anyways,yes I took my grinder after I sprayed some PB down the hole an took maybe 1/8th of an inch off the top and was able to heat up the PB while doing the grinding which helped remove the broken button. I used vise grip needle nose pliers.

Well if ya cant get it just ask your wife pr girlfriend.....HA HA HA sorry I couldnt resist :D
Jim P
That would be great. Thanks for the help. Need to find parts so I can get it back together to take to my Daughter and Son In Law in Wisconsin.
Any help is much appreciated.
David G.

Well I looked online and in garage an can't find the 3/8" pins I bought. I do know this, I measued the pins that came out and ordered the same lenght. The pins I got had tapered ends, just a little. I remembered thinking I should have gotten the next longer length, the OEM pins are not tapered. I wanted to grind down the longer length to match OEM.

I have recently picked up a second QA42a snowblower for my 1650. I noticed this one has 4 paddles under the chute while the other one only has 2. Has anyone noticed any difference between the two setups? Is one any better than the other for throwing snow ?
JOE - I remember the 2 verses 4 paddle snow blowers being discussed here many years ago. IIRC, the 4 paddle version are much rarer, but do work better, throw more snow.

Either type beat a shovel by far!

I have several hydros, ( two 149's. a 127 and a 125). The 127 is noticably slower in both forward and reverse than the other tractors. The linkage seems to be fully functional. I suppose that there is an internal problem with the hydro. Can anyone heip?
Did someone really just post a link to a JD forum ? I wonder if there gonna get reamed for that. lol
Jack I wonder if your hydro filter is clogged or your fluid is low, thats where I would start.

nice selection of hydros

JEFF - The WFM regulars will never admit it, but the little green tractors are just another item on a l-o-n-g list of things JD copied off someone else. They have a LOT of purchased components in common with the Cub Cadet. Kohler engines, Sundstrand 15U hydro speed units, TRW Ross steering gears, plus the wheels & tires.

The CC gear drives are WAY tougher than the JD gear drives with the Peerless trans axle. Plus they use BELTS. The variable speed device they use must be JD's answer to IH's Torque Amplifier, seems like most of the GD JD's for sale the variable speed doesn't work.

The bigger hydro JD's, 400, 420,430 have a 2-spd gearbox and a diff lock. The gear box seems to be reliable, but the diff lock can have issues.

The implement mounting is not near as standardized as the CC stuff is, plus it's a LOT more work to install JD attachments than it is IH attachments like mower decks, blades, etc.
Well, it's been a while since I posted anything but today while I was out getting some yard work done I thought I should snap a couple of pictures to share with you all.


Hooked up the old 782 to the dump trailer I built a couple of years ago and used it to spread some mulch around the berm I built this year. It's nice to be able to use the tractor so the lawn doesn't get all rutted up.




My wife has been after something called "Curb Appeal" for a while now. I have to admit things are looking better, won't be nearly as many weeds to spray/pull next year
Shane thanks for sharing the pics, looks like the 782 was just right for the job
And while I'm at it and since we all like pictures, here are a couple of the 1450. I finally joined the Gannon scraper club this year and got it hooked up.


I need to get some front weights built for this setup. Had to grab a battery off the recycle pile to keep the front tires on the ground. That scraper is HEAVY!!

Below I finished spreading some gravel under the pergola I built this summer. I cut some logs in the hills and then borrowed a mill to saw them into boards.



The wood will have to weather till next year before I can stain it. Then I'll put the dump trailer and tractors to work grading for some flagstone.

I was not able to find the lift rod repair topic you referred to but would be grateful for any assistance you could provide.

I havent had a chance to look at it since my lst post and wont have a chance to revisit it again for another two weeks (fall is so busy)
Shane P.
I've never seen that style Gannon, I'd be interested in the Model and serial # off that thing.
It's kinda cool!
Jim P
Thanks a lot for the link. Going to help a lot.


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