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Archive through October 01, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Art, using my voltmeter with the red lead on the positive terminal and the black lead from the meter to the positive cable, I get a reading of between .02 volts down to .01 volts.
Mike, I didn't paint the rims or scratch them, they were that way when I got it. I did have the front tires changed out. The rears are different rims and tires.



When first taken apart:

Art, he's just showin his disgust now that he can see today ! He had to step up and show his dominant role.
Kraiq, I have made the trailer extra strong for Cub duties. it has high speed stub axle and highway tires that i can load all the box can carry. I use it behind my ATV and the cubs. I do plan on adding a cylinder to have an electric dump,

Paul B,

Have you checked FAQ #82 on Charlie's cubfaq.com website for your charging problem? If not, follow FAQ link near the top of the page.
Jerry B
No, I don't have the last ones, just another early CCO, but the "last one" would be the only 82 series I would want. I prefer my Cub Cadets be yellow and white <font size="-2">with maybe one exception</font>
Kraig and Paul, If you hook your multimeter to the battery in series(as a bridge)as you described, you need to set your meter to read DC amps. The desired reading should be 0 amps.
That's what I meant to say.... "Amps"....

I just usually hook up the multimeter and then start spinning the dial on the front until it either reads something on the meter or the fuse in the back blows.

Heh, I guess that's why it doesn't work right at the moment!
Kraig, I CAN tell you that a 6 year old boy can do that to a CCO hood. He ran ours into a tree then yanyed the shifter into reverse before I could get there. He just didn't think about the clutch. He pulled it quick enough it didn't grind gears just lurched back and almost ran over me.