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Archive through November 24, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Chris S. Russell
The nr frame hyd pump uses 2 1/2 gallons a minute at 400 psi.
Thanks Don T. That is a great help for a friend of mine. On a different note going out to get my 1250 ready for plow time. The white stuff is teasing us here in mid MI.
Chris S. Russell

I would love to have a little snow,(Cloudy. Ice pellets or rain beginning early this afternoon changing to rain late this afternoon)
12" of dry snow would be a blast .
Rich, really NICE tractor!
<font size="-2">Ya know Charlie is gonna get ya' for including that(80*)</font><font size="-2"> thermometer on there!</font>
Thanks Allen.

That's my rattle can worker with some bling from Mr. Kirk and parts from most of our sponsors. I'm SLOWLY working on a Killer Kohler tm. to re power it with.

And speaking of slowly...... here is my 149 that I hope to refurbish soon. Only needs a little work right?


Yes,, a balmy 80 deg. here today but...... a cold front is on it's way and will bring temps. into the 40's at night and 75 ish for the day.

Seriously, I grew up in Ohio, camped as a Scout in/on snow etc. When a chance came to dig my toes into the sand of S. Florida...... I was there!!

I think Digger loves the snow. With that moniker he must!! (blower was probably not appropriate)
After reviewing my post I must say that Charlie most probably got his nick name "Digger" from flying metal through the air in our country's defense and for that I salute you Sir. My "blower comment" was not appropriate.


Did everyone survive black Friday?
The wife woke me up at 4:30 and said lets go.
Man did Sears have some sales going on!

I should have stayed at home today.