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Archive through November 02, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2007
Brian Johnson
Frank Snerd, I have not been following your posts, but have a little insight. (because I just went through the same ordeal) Check for 12V on the + of the coil. Check for spark (high tension from the coil) when you crank. Watch your points and see if they spark while cranking. Change the wire leading from the points to the - coil terminal. Change the points and condenser. Gap the points. All this stuff got me my spark back. Of course, fuel is a whole nuther issue. Good luck.
I have decided to post some pictures in the mtd section of the rebuild of my latest tractor. I will up date it as thing move along. Later Don T
BJ - you might want to read his last post, he's pretty well covered all of that.

Wait till they finish the latest designer cellulosic extraction method - you'll be able to convert all that to biofuel..Heck, I'd stockpile all that from this years yard harvest, just till they get it ready to use. Another idea is to just build a big biomass pile w/ black pvc pipe run through it and extract the heat. After the corn is done, can't you put it on the field??
KENDELL - I've thought about building an outdoor furnace to burn the large piles for shop heat in winter. Neighbor has a outdoor furnace He feeds used hardwood shipping pallets to.

Most of the leaves will end up in the corn field but Mother Nature has to put them there, field isn't Mine. This is the first year in about 6-7 yrs it's been in corn, been wheat or soybeans the last few years. Corn is messy in the fall but it sure was nice & private in the back yard all summer!

Can't complain about the neighbor, He's the ONLY Guy around who uses ALL red
equipment. The Other BTO uses all green equip. except for a BIG C/IH Quadra-trac.
You COULD give Ma Nature a little help...get a right angle ell on the out put of the blower and just point it in the "right" direction.. Believe it or not, that works pretty well with my setup, don't even need the clamshell...Now that I think about it, I could build a housing on top of my JD 80 lawn trailer and go to pull behind (it's take about 250 lbs off the ZTR, might help with the lawn tear-up)...all I'd need is a longer pipe..
Dennis, spent an hour or so today & added the wings to my blades.


+++ jpeg +++ 180488 +++
Had to trim the corner off the short blades +++
What a diff. the wings made, much more lift. However it did notice that because the leaves have less retention time under the mower deck, they do not get chopped up as small.
Hopefully no bird doodoo welds on those blades
(I got my ears pinned back last time I mentioned welding on mower blades..). MIG or TIG ?? They look like they'd provide a lot of lift.

You probably could benefit now from the deck speedup mod... With the speed they run the blades on my OT mower, it chops stuff pretty fine, even with the vac setup running on it.
i was looking at some pics of my 100 today and noticed that the htch is different than all my other cubs, it doesnt look home made tho so has anyone seen one like it?

on another note, i finally got all most all the tweeking done on the 149!

the tiller was only on there so i could move it to another garage.
Matt S.-

That's not factory. Remember, a few people out there are good enough at making stuff that it looks factory.
yes i suppose someone could have done that with a piece of angle and a good drill press, the best thing is that its a lot thicker than stock ones and its bent like someone pulled to much weight with it!
Kendell: no bird dodo on any of my welds--MIG welded & would say pretty much 100% penetration.

I agree, a novice welder should not try this.
Frank Snerd,
Everybody's $00.02 is adding up to quite a bit of change...
Try this
Remove your main jet needle and see if it has 6 holes in it. 4 holes about 3/4 up from bottom and 2 near the tip.If not it has the wrong one in it.If you have another 12hp carb switch needles and see what happens.
Well, I did some "surgury" on my 147 today. I took the wieghts off of the back and this is what i saw...



the whole entire rear end and axle carrires have oil on them. I can see it because dirt has collected on it. These last pic is close up of the rear cover bolt holes. Im still not sure what the hammering would do to help it.?? please rephrase, i cant recall who told me.

Josh it may not be leaking at the cover. Just a thought.
Matt S.,
It looks like the plug on your Cub's rear is too low. Compare its position location with the pic that Josh O. just posted....

Josh O.,
If someone overfilled the rear end, maybe the excess Hytran fluid is being pushed out the vent at the top of the housing?

What shape is the vent in -- maybe it has been beat in or out and allows excess fluid to splash out?

Just some random thoughts,
Ryan Wilke
Dave has a good point. I just replaced the axle
oil seals in the end of the carriers on my 126.

It was leaking out the end and onto a brake disc, makes stopping hard.
You may not have that issue but then again you may.
Ryan thats the difference between a hydro and gear drive for quantity. From memory (yea I'm going to give that anouther shot) The gear drive is 4 pints the hydro is 4 quarts.
"Frank...Is the fuel filter for a gravity feed system ? "
yes. this was mentioned before. it is an automotive, fuel pump type filter. but. i had the stalling problems before i added the filter. so, i doubt that is the problem.

"is it losing spark for sure when it quits ? "
I do not know. and i do not know how to test for that. i am guessing my voltmeter wont work and i need an induction spark plug tester.

"Could possibly be the points push
I will check the push rod.