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Archive through November 02, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Brian A. -


I forget what the size is, but if it's the 3/4"-16 nut, you can get them from McMaster-Carr (www.mcmaster.com). I also know that out Cub Cadet dealer sponsors should stock them, as they're the same nut used on mower deck spindles.

If it's a different size, go the McMaster route.
Alright, Alright. I admitt it, I have been trash digging again.

I was headed to work on Monday and drove by a "brand new looking" crapsman push mower. I just had to stop. I have been looking for a vert shaft engine for a cub project I have been working on. I was in luck. After throwing it in the truck and going to school, I got a chance to look at it. They obviously hit something and bent the crank. The engine is just too good to through away and will be perfect for my cub accessory project. I NEED SOME SUGGESTIVE HELP!! How do I straighten a crank? I know enough not to just take a hammer to it. I figure that I need to remove it and put it in a H press of some config. Any help would be great. Here are a couple of pics just to see how nice it is

<strike>Squeaky</strike> Jon-
You don't straighten cranks on cingle cylinders, you could, then re-heat treat it, then grind the surfaces, but then you machine shop bill would be more than a new crank.

(Message edited by wcompton on November 04, 2004)
Wyatt -

Hey hey hey, let's not call Jonathan "squeaky". That moniker has certain, um, connotations
. We'll just call him "dumpster diver"!

Jonathan -

Wyatt's gotta be right. It's almost impossible to straighten ANY round shaft 100% without lotsa work and bucks...
I have to disagree on straightening a crank. many shops that repair small engines have "Crank Straightening Jigs" just for that purpose.

While I agree it is probably better to get a new crank, many have been successfully straightened using these Jigs.

Rotary and Mfrs Supply sell the "Mighty Midget" straightener for 239 bucks, I know people that use them successfully with the cranks still in the engine.


Bryan, is there an issue with the ihcubcadet email addresses? I tried to email Tedd yesterday and it didn't work now I see Rick M. (see below) says mine doesn't work? Any chance when you and Bob were 'performing maintenance' the other day that something got mucked up?
Here's how you fix that;
1. <u>CAREFULLY</u> remove from old block
2. Go the the recycle container/garbage can
3. Drop in it the container
4. Go in the house and get to your computer
5. Go to IHCUBCADET.COM's classifieds
6. <u>OR</u> contact one of the sponcors.
Kraig -

Performing maintenance? We didn't touch the thing, the ISP owns the server - we can't do anything but mess with the Discus software. And AFAIK, the mail server is a separate box from the webserver, but I could be wrong.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

......but I could be wrong.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Naw! :eek:)

I got the tri-rib tires mounted, with tubes, on the Original rims. Little by little K4K is progressing. At the present rate it should be done for PD14. :eek:|
Bryan, Brian A., Original steering gearboxes uses a 1/2-13 nut, the rest use a 5/8-18 nut. FWIW, I have a "few" extra of the thin nylock 5/8-18 nuts on hand (I bought 50 from McMaster-Carr) I'll check to see how many I have left (plenty) and perhaps post them in the classifieds after I figure out what each one cost me after shipping.
I've added an alternate email address to my profile for those intending or trying to send details on Plow Day 8 photos.

John S., I recall your DynaPlow Cub. I'll see if I can round up the photos.
My hard drive was just acting up so I'll be taking some preventative measures and will be away for some time while I replace the old 40g drive with a 120g drive. We can't have the "Archives" in jeapardy now can we? Hopefully all will go smoothly......

I just went to my local True Value hardware to get the thin nylock 5/8-18 nuts. They usually have a specialty hardware assortment area.
Jim E. -

Hmmmm - never figured my TV had 'em, and they have a decent Hillman display. Guess I better check again

Kraig -

You mean you don't use one of your employer's products? Shame on you
Bryan, that wouldn't help with a HD crash of the hardware variety but it'd help with a software crash or virus. BTW, I'm baaaaack! With a new 120g HD with 88.1g of free space. Lots of space for archives. :eek:)

Jim E., Bryan, my local <strike>Tru Value</strike> Ace Hardware has an extremely good selection of nuts, bolts and misc fasteners but for some reason they don't stock the thin nylock nuts. They have the standard nylocks but not the thin.

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on November 04, 2004)
Question for those who have pulled apart the hydro or had it on the bench to replace seals-
Never had the hydro off to replace seals (I've been content to let the hydro just mark it's territory) so my question is that if I have the hydro off and loose all the fluid in it, do I need to prime the pump to start it so it's lubed from the first revoluion? Maybe something like pouring fluid in the relief valve ports???

Richard is on a service call but I should see him or talk with him later in the day and see about getting the e-mail resolved. It appears that all [email protected] e-mails are affected.